
ARC Review: What He Doesn't Know by Kandi Steiner

I have never read a book by Kandi Steiner before, but I knew once I read the blurb for What He Doesn't Know that I needed to read it! I am so glad that I did, because I couldn't put this book down! While I know some have problems with cliffhangers and love triangles, I definitely recommend this one! This is the first book in the duet, and I can't wait for the next!

Charlie and Cameron were happy and successful, until suddenly everything was different. Their marriage was no longer the same and the once best friends suddenly felt like strangers. So when Charlie's brother's best friend/childhood crush Reese returns to town, she finds herself drawn to him once again. 

I will admit that the one thing about love triangles for me is that I am always on someone's side, but I have to say that the characters Kandi Steiner has created here were fantastic and it was impossible to really pick a side for me. I felt for everyone involved, and there wasn't anything simple about how I was feeling or which choice I thought that Charlie should make. Each character was relatable and there was so much to each of them. One thing is for sure, I can't wait to see what happens next! 

I honestly can't wait for more, and I am definitely curious to read more from Kandi Steiner after reading this book. It was so good and I think a lot of readers are going to love this one as much as I did. It was emotional and I was captivated from the start.

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**

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