
Feature and Giveaway: The Highlander's Norse Bride by Cathy & DD MacRae

Caught between two kings vying for sovereignty of the Isles and Western Scotland, Hanna of Hällstein has lost everything—and vows to repay the Scots for the deaths of her husband and children. Fleeing the smoldering ruins of her village, Hanna crosses the Strait of Mull and chooses the Laird of Clan MacLean as the object of her revenge.

Alex MacLean has buried a wife and three children. Ignoring the clamors for him to wed again and produce an heir, he finds himself drawn to a Norse refugee who defies him and tests the limits of his patience—and his power as Laird.

Torn between revenge and honor, Hanna fears setting aside her vow of vengeance means she has lost her reason for living. Alex is determined to save her, even if it means defying the king.

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Alex drew Hanna close, wondering if she would resist him. To his surprise, her hesitation was brief, and he wrapped his arms about her.

“Promise ye will be here when I return,” he said. “I will have nothing to worry me if I know ye wait for me here.”

“I will not leave—ye know this. I have promised to care for Gillian.”

“I want ye to wait for me,” he growled, frustration fraying his temper. “Dinnae let some braw young man claim yer heart whilst I am gone.”

“Och, Alex,” Hanna whispered, “I cannot give away what does not belong to me.”

“I cannae think straight when I hold ye like this,” he grumbled. “Speak plainly.”

“My heart belongs to ye. I have wished for it to be otherwise, but, it has not listened to reason.”

“Then spend the night with me, Hanna. And I will have the marriage contract drawn up. We can marry upon my return.”

“There are too many obstacles...”

He placed two fingers over her lips. “There are no obstacles save those ye echo endlessly back to me. I dinnae care if yer heritage is Norse. I have good relationships with many Norse. I dinnae care if ye give me a child or not. I may pick my heir as I please. Ye and I are of an age, though I daresay my summers far exceed yours.”

He drew her with him until he reached the hearth, then sank to his knees before her.

“Ye are a beautiful, rare woman, Hanna. Give me this night to pleasure ye, and I will give ye every beat of my heart for the rest of my life.”

Cathy MacRae lives on the sunny side of the Arbuckle Mountains where she and her husband read, write, and tend the garden—with the help of the dogs, of course. 

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DD MacRae enjoys bringing history to life and considers research one of the best things about writing a story! With more than 35 years of martial arts training, DD also brings breath-taking action to the tales. You can connect with DD through It’s always exciting to hear from readers!

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $20 Amazon Gift Card

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  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Cathy MacRae & Author's Pal for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
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