
Indulge Yourself Event with Sarah Ballance

Sarah and her husband of what he calls “many long, long years” live on the mid-Atlantic coast with their six young children, all of whom are perfectly adorable when they’re asleep. She never dreamed of becoming an author, but as a homeschooling mom, she often jokes she writes fiction because if she wants anyone to listen to her, she has to make them up. As it turns out, her characters aren’t much better than the kids, but nevertheless, you’ll find her writing sexy contemporary romance for Entangled Publishing until they throw her out. To learn more, visit

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My Favorite Indulgence is Probably Your Nightmare

Like many of you, I love to travel. Unlike most, my husband and I do so with our six children, and we do it thousands of miles at a time…in a Suburban hauling an RV. That has translated over the last 4.5 years into over 30 thousand miles to visit 48 states, two Canadian provinces, two oceans, all five great lakes, the Gulf of Mexico, and the requisite week at Disney…and a lot of unforgettable moments. Here are some of our favorites:

The Missing Window

The first trips we took were in an older RV that was given to us for free. (The owner didn’t think he could take it 50 miles down the road, so we accepted it and took it over 11,000 miles, crossing the country twice, because we’re adventurous like that.) Somewhere along the way, we lost a window so we put a piece of cardboard in the opening to keep the road grit out of the camper. That night, we stopped late and woke the next morning to find we were surrounded by snow at Vail Pass, a towering, frigid elevation of 10,662 feet…without a window. (Those sub-zero sleeping bags are gold, y’all. We weren’t even cold.)

The Missing Kid

One fall we stopped at a KOA with a haunted trail set up for guests. To keep it spooky, the nearby paths were dark. My husband and our two older boys were walking through the park, talking, and suddenly our oldest son completely disappeared. Poof. Gone. He’d stepped off the path into a ditch, the shock of which had silenced him mid-sentence. Years later, we are still incapable of discussing this without crying from laughter.

The Sheriff’s Revenge

Deadwood, South Dakota is home to the famed Mount Moriah Cemetery, home of Wild Bill Hickok and a slew of other household names. Above the cemetery proper, up a steep gravel road, are the final resting places of Sherriff Seth Bullock and his wife. The climb up the hill was difficult, but the walk back down promised to be treacherous with the steep incline and loose rocks acting like marbles under our feet. The aforementioned disappearing kid had only taken one or two downward steps before his feet inexplicably flew skyward, bicycling in the air as he slid on his shoulder across the gravel and off the edge of the path. To this day I am ashamed that the tears streaming down my face that day at Mt. Moriah were from the laughter that overtook me every time I saw him pick another piece of gravel out of his shoulder.

Border Patrol

I’m lumping two moments in one here, because apparently we can’t go to Canada without earning an odd look from the border guard. The first time we crossed we were headed to Canada’s Fundy National Park, which is world famous for its tides. The guard asked why we were visiting, and I told him, and he looked at my husband and said, “You came all the way up here for that?” and with those incredulous words, he and my husband became lifelong friends. (Not really, but it was a long way to drive for water…especially since we live at the beach.) The second incident happened on our way to Niagara Falls in Ontario. The agent asked where we’d spent the previous night, and having forgotten we’d left the RV at a nearby KOA, I said we spent the night at a rest stop east of Buffalo. She looked horrified until I thought to tell her we’d been hauling an RV at the time.

The Luxurious Laundry Room

Montana’s Glacier National Park straddles the great Rocky Mountains and borders Canada. The land is wild, rugged, and stunningly beautiful, but it was the heated pool outdoor and spa at the RV park that caught the attention of my offspring. It was there, in those heated waters surrounded by the snow-packed pastel peaks of a waning summer evening, that my husband and children experienced their first night in Montana while I…I was in the laundry room. To be fair, my husband offered several times to switch, but you guys…when you travel thousands of miles in a single vehicle with seven other people, the time you spend away from them in the RV park laundry room is the ULTIMATE indulgence. In fact, the only thing you’d be missing was a book, but fortunately I happen to have one handy. Here’s more on that particular indulgence for those of you not desperately seeking the laundry room. 😊

Seducing a millionaire playboy couldn’t be that hard, right? When Kennedy Price’s job as PA to an investor puts her up close and personal with the hotel mogul who fathered her sister’s child, she hatches a plan to prove paternity. She just needs to get close enough to snag a hair. She never expected she’d stumble onto evidence that could derail his business deal, potentially costing him millions. Or that she’d find herself attracted to the sinfully hot playboy who has everything to lose.

Jagger Hamilton can prove he didn’t father Kennedy’s nephew, but the stunning brunette doesn’t believe him. She knows he’s a millionaire several times over, and that money can buy anything...even lies. When she blackmails him to be a father to a kid who isn’t his or lose his investor, he plays hard and fast to make sure he gets what he wants. And with sparks flying and passion exploding between them, what he wants is the one thing she promises he'll never have: her.

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Special thanks to Sarah Ballance for sponsoring this giveaway.
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Unknown said...

I loved Jagger and Kennedy! Also, poor Oldest. Always the object of your humor. Tsk tsk. ;)

Mary Preston said...

That's a lot of travel. Good for you.

Sarah Ballance said...

Hey, I thought you felt sorry for the second oldest. GET YOUR PITY STRAIGHT. lol!

Sarah Ballance said...

I'm so grateful we've been able to make so many memories as a family. Great to "see" you again, Mary!

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