
Blind Date with a Book Event with Megan Hart

Megan Hart writes books. Some of them use a lot of bad words, but most of the other words are okay. She can't live without music, the internet, or the ocean, but she and soda have achieved an amicable uncoupling. She can't stand the feeling of corduroy or velvet, and modern art leaves her cold. She writes a little bit of everything from horror to romance, though she’s best known for writing erotic fiction that sometimes makes you cry. Find out more about her at, or if you really want to get crazy, follow her on Twitter at and Facebook at

Sometimes, you write a book that takes you by surprise. I had an idea for turning the D/S dynamic on its head, at least as far as we are used to in most traditional romance. I love femdom stories, particularly when they feature submissive men who delight in worshipping, adoring and cherishing their woman. To me, the appeal of the D/S dynamic is that use of power and control, but also the idea that both the dominant and submissive partner are invested in taking care of the other is beautiful and romantic and sexy as hell. 

Things I love about this book:
  1. Strong heroine
  2. Second chance romance!
  3. Strong hero who fights his desire to give in to her, but ultimately love rules all!
  4. Location (my locale!)
  5. Banter — the two of them have a lot of history and pain to work through, and it comes out in their banter
  6. Secondary characters — I love Reese’s assistant and Corinne’s sister and think each should have their own books
  7. Femdom dynamic, a personal favorite of mine and one that is less common than male Dom
  8. I got to use the word artisanal a lot (and yes, I do laugh, and yes, that makes me a twelve year old boy)
  9. Sexy sexin’ sex scenes with some fun twists on what some people might consider “standard”
  10. The vulnerability of both characters as they learn to forgive the past and look forward to their shared future!

She had never been more beautiful to him than when she was making him hurt.

Corinne was young once. Reese wasn’t her first lover, but he was the first to submit to her. For a while they had something special, but it ended badly.

She’s a little older now — and the wealthy businessman who just bought the company she works for bears little resemblance to that boy. He’s commanding, domineering, and seems hell-bent on pushing her past her limits.

In a flash of anger, she falls back into their old pattern—and Reese falls right in with her. Before she knows it, she’s testing him. Then tasting him. Corrine knows she can’t afford to get involved again. Her life is complicated enough without throwing in a slew of kink.

Now if only Reese would stop making her feel like the goddess she used to be…and showing her who’s been the boss all along. But if he wants her, he’s going to have to beg for it.

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Up For Grabs:
  • 1 eBook copy of Beg For It

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Special thanks to Megan Hart for sponsoring this giveaway.
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