
Blind Date with a Book Event with Samanthe Beck

USA Today bestselling author Samanthe Beck lives in Malibu, California, with her long-suffering husband, their turbo-son, and a furry ninja named Frosty.

When not dreaming up funny, sexy smut for Entangled’s Brazen line, she searches for the perfect cabernet to pair with Ambien.

To learn more about her books check out her website ( If you’re down for the occasional dirty teaser or book giveaway, connect with Sam on Facebook ( and Twitter (@SamantheBeck1).

Many thanks to Dani for inviting me to take part in her bloggerversary Blind Date with a Book event! I’ve been married for a loooong time so I don’t get to go on many blind dates anymore. ;)

That said, I just happen to have the perfect blind date book to set you up with. What makes it so perfect? Well, it’s by Robin Bielman, one of my best friends, (as well as one of the most talented authors I know), so, you know, it comes from a trusted source!

Also, it’s the third book in a series and although it stands alone just fine, if you’ve read the other books in the series you’ve already gotten to know and love some of the peeps. You’ve got friends in common!

In any dating situation you want good banter, but especially with a blind date, right? Because getting to know each other can be awkward. This book gives GREAT banter! Here’s a sneak peek:

She picks up a piece of shrimp with her fork. “I graduated with a major in accounting and a minor in management science.”


“That shocks you?”

I lean back in my chair. “Kind of. You don’t seem like a numbers girl.”

“What do I seem like?”

“A teacher.”

She laughs. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“Good. I meant it as one.”

Spots of pink dot her cheeks. Her attention darts to the floor. “My favorite teacher in high school taught accounting. She made a point of telling the girls in class it was important to understand finances and to not be intimidated by math. She made it fun, too, so in college I decided to stick with it.”

“Are you a CPA?”

“No. I got engaged right after graduation and wedding planning took precedence over anything job related. Plus…”

I raise my eyebrows.

She doesn’t answer right away so I fill in the silence. “Your douchebag ex didn’t want you to work.” I met the guy briefly and got the impression he liked to be in total control, including keeping Madison on a very short leash.

“Right. And looking back, I’m really mad at myself for letting him get his way on everything.”

“Not everything.”

She looks at me in confusion.

“He didn’t get to marry you.”

Aww! That guy is smooth AND sweet. How can we resist?

Last but not least, my choice is a fabulous blind date book because I can hook you up soon. In fact, let’s get it on your calendar now. The big day is April 16th. Block it off and prepare to meet your best book boyfriend ever! I don’t want to give away the identity, but here’s the link so you can add it to your Goodreads TBR list:

I’m putting a signed, print copy* of the first book in this series, Talk British to Me, up for grabs to one lucky winner. To enter, just drop a comment on this post and tell me what title you think I featured as my blind date book!

*U.S. participants only. I will happily gift an e-copy to an international winner.

For six weeks, she’s all his....

A five figure fee. A private villa at an exclusive tropical paradise. Absolute compliance. Top tier celebrity trainer Luke McLean demands all of the above, plus strict adherence to his zero bullshit policy. Especially when faced with six short weeks to whip a spoiled starlet into leading lady shape.

Quinn Sheridan suddenly has half the time she anticipated to turn herself into an action hero for the role of her career. Luckily, her agent calls in a secret weapon, but the demanding, drop dead gorgeous hardass fails to understand SHE’S the client. She has no problem taking direction, but Luke’s definition of cooperation feels more like complete and utter submission. And she’s tempted to give it to him...

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo |

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Print copy of Talk British to Me

To Enter:
  • US shipping ONLY. eBook copy will be sent if winner resides outside of the US.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Samanthe Beck for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Sue G. said...

Already have this book so I'm not entering, but I just love Robin's books! :)

Carol L. said...

Sounds great. I have no idea what the title might be. Thanks for the excerpt and giveaway chance.
Carol Luciano
Lucky4750 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

Too Hard To Resist? Thanks forthe chance!

Theresa Wallace-Lopez said...

Why Resist?

Joanne B said...

No idea.

Anita H. said...

Too Hard To Resist! I love Robin's books adn can't wait to read this one, thanks for stopping by Samanthe!

Lilypadchavez said...

Too Hard to Resist ! Yummy 😋!

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