
ARC Review: Allure by CA Harms

Allure is the first book in the Brooklet Dreams series by CA Harms. This is a second generation spin-off of her Southern Boys series, featuring kids of our favorite couples and I honestly couldn’t wait to read this when I found out about it. It was great to see some of my favorite characters again and see the next generation of their families and how things had turned out. CA Harms brought everything that I had loved from that series and more here, and I fell for Rhett right along with AJ. 

Rhett thought that he had found his forever when he was just a boy. His best friend and first everything Harley was supposed to be there with him every step of the way, but when she moved away and didn’t return he was left broken hearted and waiting for her to come back. But when he saw that she had moved on, he opened himself up again and met AJ. Things soon more between them as he found himself happier than ever and not only the old Rhett, but the best version of himself possible. But just as his future is beginning to take shape once again, his past returns and everything changes once again. 

I loved Rhett so much. He was sweet and kind, sexy and thoughtful. He was such a great character and you couldn’t help but fall in love with him. It was easy to see how irresistible he would be for both AJ and Harley. He is definitely a worthy book boyfriend and the kind of hero that makes readers love romance. I will admit that I am always a fan of second chance romances and at first I really wanted Rhett to wind up with Harley. But all that changed as soon as we started getting to know AJ. She was an amazing heroine. Sweet and sassy, she wasn’t afraid to put Rhett in his place and make him work for it. But she was so easy to relate to and I found her vulnerabilities to be ones that a lot of readers will be able to relate to. She really cared for Rhett, but she was also really scared about having her heart broken and not being enough to overcome what Rhett had once had with Harley. I loved that she didn’t let that stop her from taking the risk though. She put herself out there and the chemistry and connection between her and Rhett was amazing to read about. 

Overall, I really enjoyed this story and the characters. I felt like things turned out exactly as they were meant to. Not only was this a great love story, but it was a great book about friendship and family as well. CA Harms excels at writing heartfelt and emotional stories that seem so genuine and believable, because the characters are unique and easy to relate to. Allure was a great start to the Brooklet Dreams series and will appeal to those that are already fans of CA Harms, as well as those that are new to her. I can’t wait to read more in this series as well as whatever else she writes in the future.

**ARC Provided by Enticing Journey Book Promotions**

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