
ARC Review: Envy by Rachel Van Dyken

Envy is the latest book in the Eagle Elite series by Rachel Van Dyken. This novella is technically a standalone story, but I definitely recommend reading these in order if possible. You don’t need to in order to understand this novella, but for full enjoyment I think they are best read in order. This series is one of my all time favorites, so to me they are definitely worth the read from book 1 to this release.

This is Vic and Renee’s story. Renee is the nanny for our favorite mafia families and Vic is Nixon’s cousin. Both come from different worlds, yet the attraction between them is there from the start. Renee’s life is planned out, but Vic wants her and isn’t used to taking no for an answer. I loved them both and the intensity between them. Their chemistry was off the charts and I felt like they were perfect for one another. Renee was really interesting to me, and I liked seeing her change over the course of this book. 

This novella definitely adds more to the series than I had originally expected, and Rachel Van Dyken once again threw in a twist I wasn’t expecting! I can’t wait to see what happens next, and I am already anxious for a lot that we found out here. This series is one that I have loved every single book in, and I have never been disappointed. Envy fit in perfectly, and the only complaint I had was that it was a novella and I always want more when it comes to Eagle Elite. This one is worth the read and I honestly can’t recommend the series enough!

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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