
Feature and Giveaway: Vow of Atonement by Emma Renshaw

A bossy Army vet determined to atone for his mistakes with the only girl he’s ever loved. A sassy boutique owner trying to shield her broken heart.

Roman stole every part of Harper’s heart and soul over a decade ago and left without giving her back the pieces. She’s spent the past decade trying to forget him and everything he made her feel.

When a mysterious figure shows up, changing her life with just a few sentences, she does the unthinkable—calls the man who left her shattered all those years ago.

Roman storms back into Harper’s life with a vengeance, determined to prove he is worthy of a second chance. He vows to keep her safe from the danger that has darkened her door.

But they’re both pawns in someone else’s game. And this vow might just be broken before the game is over…

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“You’re not nothing,” I whisper. My chest aches to hear him speak that way about himself.

“Not now,” he says. “I made something of myself, but then? Back then, I was nothing. Fuck. Some days I still feel like that piece of trash kid. Every time I touch you, my mind screams that I’m not worthy of it, that I’ll taint something as beautiful as you.”

“That’s not true,” I insist angrily. “You have always been something. You were everything to me.”

“I didn’t deserve it.”

“We’ll never agree about this,” I say. “You hurt me more than you can imagine.”

“I know. I hate myself for it.”

“Don’t. Don’t say that. I think it’s time I should forgive you.”

His eyes fill with hope before he even speaks. “Yeah?”

“Yeah. I don’t agree with it, but I think part of me understands. It was my decision to make.”

“Fuck. I’ve missed you,” he breathes, nuzzling my neck.

“This is still a fling, Roman.”

He doesn’t respond, just kisses along my exposed skin, making me melt against his chest. We’re hardly even dancing anymore, just holding each other out on the dance floor.

“We didn’t use a condom earlier, Sugar. I’m sorry. I didn’t even ask, it just happened. When we were together before, we didn’t use them. I swear I’m clean.”

“I’m clean, too, and I’m on the pill, so covered there, too.”

“Do you want to use a condom next time?”

I shake my head slowly, being completely honest with him. “I can’t imagine having something in between us.”

“Me neither, Sugar.”

Roman continues to softly kiss along my skin, eliciting goosebumps in his wake.

“What did it look like?” I ask so softly, it’s barely a whisper.

“The ring?”

I nod.

“It was vintage from the 1920s. A simple round stone in the middle with diamond-shaped stones on the sides. It wasn’t much, it wasn’t what you deserve, but it was beautiful. I’d buy you something bigger now. I have the money to get you anything you want.”

I allow myself to live in fairytale for just a moment. “I’d want the ring you bought back then.”

I close my eyes, burrowing into his chest, letting long forgotten dreams wash over me before I lock them up again. I wish we were dancing as husband and wife, my vintage ring sparkling under the twinkling lights, celebrating our friends. Opening my mouth to ask one more question before locking this all away before it can crush me, Roman speaks, answering the question I didn’t get a chance to ask. “I still have it.”

Emma loves to write, just don't ask her to write about herself. If she isn't writing, you can find her lost in a book or trying to get her doggo to take a selfie with her. He usually refuses. At the end of the day, you can find Emma at the closest Mexican restaurant eating queso and sipping on a margarita. She lives in Texas with her husband and dog. 

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Good Luck!

Special thanks to Emma Renshaw & InkSlinger PR for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
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