
ARC Review: We Shouldn't by Vi Keeland

I absolutely love Vi Keeland! I don’t even read blurbs anymore for her books, I just know whatever she writes I am going to read. We Shouldn’t was everything I’ve come to know and love from her and I enjoyed this story a lot. I was entertained from start to finish and can’t wait for whatever Vi writes next!

A business merger finds Bennett and Annalise competing for the same job. If that wasn’t bad enough, they get off on the wrong foot before they even know that they are rivals when Annalise tries to get out of a ticket and ends up vandalizing Bennett’s car. But soon they find that they have more than just the job to fight over, when the attraction between them becomes more than they imagined it would be. 

I liked Bennett and Annalise. Vi’s characters are always layered with more than meets the eye and that was true here as well. I enjoyed getting to know both of them, and seeing beneath the surface. Bennett had a few moments that he was a bit on the cocky side, but I still really liked him. I felt the attraction and chemistry between them, and felt like they were good for one another. They were sexy and entertaining, yet there was more to them as well. 

Overall, I was drawn in from the first page and had a great time reading this book just like everything I’ve read from Vi Keeland. I will admit that there were a few things that kept this one from being a 5 star for me, the biggest one being something that happened with Bennett after feelings had started to develop between him and Annalise. I don’t want to say what it was, and honestly I am still not even sure entirely what it was as we never really found out. I just wish that we had actually been given the information on exactly what happened and the biggest thing for me was just the not knowing. Definitely not enough to keep me from enjoying this book or to stop me from reading more from Vi in the future, just something that kept this from being my favorite of Vi’s. I think readers will really enjoy this one though, just like I did.

**ARC Provided by Author**

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Sharlene said...

I have read a few books by Vi & loved what I have read so far. This sounds like a good one! Thanks for the review!

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