
Feature and Giveaway: In the Dog House by Traci Hall

Ten years ago, Jackson Hardy joined the Marines, leaving behind a woman he still dreams about. When he's called home to care for his ten-year-old nephew, no one is more shocked than he to run into Emma again. Or to still have those same feelings. But Jackson isn't looking for love, and neither is Emma, especially not with him. His precocious nephew, though, and a retriever named Bandit, are about to change that.

So what if Emma Mercer is an overachiever? She has plans to get her doctorate in psychology and create a no-kill shelter for the EST dogs she trains. Which leaves absolutely no time for romance. She's fine with a furry family—dogs don't teach you to love and then rip your heart to shreds. But young Matty's situation tugs at her heartstrings and there's no way she can't help him…and Jackson.

She may have hotter-than-ever chemistry with the soldier, but forgetting the past isn't easy.

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My name is Traci Hall and I love to write...sounds like the beginning step of a program! However, I am not sorry that I love to write, so I guess I'm in it for the long haul. Finger cramps, slumped back and numb feet from sitting all day aside, there is nothing I would rather do than tell stories. Hearing back from readers makes it all worthwhile.

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  • 1 $15 Amazon Gift Card

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  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Entangled Publishing for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Carol L. said...

I love reading stories thAt involve our furry friends. I'll be sure to read it. :)
Carol Luciano
Lucky4750 at aol dot com

Suzannah Clark said...

Oh sounds like an amazing story

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