
Sealed with a Kiss Event with Janna MacGreggor

Janna MacGregor was born and raised in the bootheel of Missouri. She credits her darling mom for introducing her to the happily-ever-after world of romance novels. Janna writes stories where compelling and powerful heroines meet and fall in love with their equally matched heroes. She is the mother of triplets and lives in Kansas City with her very own dashing rogue, and two smug, but not surprisingly, perfect pugs. She loves to hear from readers.

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Check out Thea and Will's love story in Rogue Most Wanted.

Wanted: an engagement of convenience. Found: A noble suitor.

Raised on a remote Scottish estate by her adoring grandfather, Lady Theodora Worth has inherited an earldom as well as the land itself. But when an upstart duke challenges her claim to the title and the Ladykyrk estate, Thea is suddenly in need of a husband—in name, at least. An elderly neighbor with a thoroughly modern sensibility and a dashing great-nephew just might be the answer to Thea’s prayers. Except she has no intention of marrying the first man she meets. That would be utterly ridiculous.

It just can’t be him. . .

Lord William Cavensham is entirely too devoted to his family’s estate—ever since he was jilted as a lad--to wed, but he agrees to meet the woman his aunt has taken under her wing—and introduce her to possible suitors. But after just one meeting with beautiful, spirited Thea, Will is determined to help her reclaim her title. And even moreso, he can’t stop thinking that perhaps marriage to this bold, passionate woman may be the one thing he’s been missing all along?

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Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $20 Amazon Gift Card and a Book of Choice from The Cavensham Heiress Series (print or eBook)

To Enter:
  • Please leave a comment or question for the author.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Janna MacGreggor for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Sandy Kenny said...

Hi Janna! So glad to see Will get his HEA!

Susan Gorman said...

Is Will a romantic at heart?
He’s seems to be a serious person in the other stories.

Unknown said...

Hello Janna, I cannot wait to read this book. I love your writing style. Thank you for sharing your gift.

Marcy Meyer said...

This book looks great. I love the note.

Sharlene said...

Hi Janna! Very sweet love letters!

Sue G. said...

Love marriages of convenience! They make for the most fun!

May said...

Oh so sweet!

Carol L. said...

Loving notes. Looking forward to reading about Will's HEA.
Carol Luciano
Lucky4750 at aol dot com

Linda Herold said...

Yellow is my favorite color so I love this book cover!

cheryl c. said...

I admire your writing style AND the fact that you are the mother of triplets!

kim hansen said...

New author for me.

John Smith said...

I like the rich intensity of the colors on the cover of "The Good, the Bad, and the Duke"!

Timitra said...

Love the letters they wrote to each other!

Joanne B said...

Great letters. Looking forward to reading Will's HEA.

Suzannah Clark said...

Hi Janna
I was wondering...have you gotten to visit the places that you write about in your stories?

Nancy Jones said...

Sounds great.

dstoutholcomb said...

utterly delightful letters--can't wait for this story


Jane said...

Looking forward to its release.

amy said...

What sweet letters :)

Debra Shutters said...

sounds good & thanks for the chance in the giveaway :)

K Angeles said...

I love the letters! Can’t wait to read the book.

Evelyn said...

Love your writing. Looking forward to reading this book!

Rose said...

Love to read them, but I can't afford too.

Dee said...

Aah, I sometimes wish to experience this era. Love that letter. And how this book compliment the series!!

Catherine Stein said...

Sounds like another winner!

Lori Dykes said...

So sweet! I cannot wait to read this story Janna!! The cover is fabulous!

jabookmom said...

have read just one of your books and am looking forward to reading more.

Sue C. said...

Great love letters!

jean602 said...

Sounds good can't wait to read this book.

Carole Burant said...

Janna, I so love your books and can't wait to read this one as well!

Lilypadchavez said...

I love how you used the their first name within the last sentence. 💗

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