
ARC Review: The Trouble with Vampires by Lynsay Sands

Yay Santo!! Book 29 in the Argeneau series brings us to a suburban Albany, New York neighborhood. The Enforcers got a lead that may end up being the mad scientist they have been trying to track down since he escaped from his private island off the coast of Venezuela where he had been experimenting on immortals and humans in a Dr. Moreau kind of way. After being held captive by the mad scientist Santo is ready for a swift justice. Petronella Stone is babysitting her nephew but soon after she gets there strange things start to happen someone tries to break in to the house luckily the neighbors intervene before anything can happen. The visiting neighbors, Marguerite, Julius, Zanipolo, Jason, and Santo are there to track down the mad scientist who maybe hiding out in his cousins house right next door and the attempted break in at Pet’s house is just too coincidental. They find out early on Pet knows about immortals due to a traumatic past experience which makes things easier for the Enforcers to protect her and her nephew, Parker. Once Santo realizes that Pet is his life mate and she already knows about immortals he thinks the rest should be easy, but it’s never easy!

Overall, this was another very entertaining read. Santo and Pet are hot, it gets very steamy and Santo is very deserving of a life mate. Parker is adorable. I foresee something happening with the Brass Circle in the future (finger’s crossed). This one wasn’t as predictable as some of the past books I didn’t guess what exactly happened and it was good, it had a very nice ending. I think this could be read as a standalone but if you need to read the previous one to catch up on the whole mad scientist plot you don’t have to go back to the very beginning just maybe back maybe six or seven to Runaway Vampire or Immortal Nights. I am also anticipating Zanipolo’s book to be next, I’m hoping. I always enjoy Lynsay Sands writing, her characters are always quirky and Pet and Santo’s have very dark emotional past they have to deal with which lead to them connecting on an emotional level as well as physical.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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