
Guest Post with Author Dianne Duvall and Giveaway

Dianne Duvall is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of the Immortal Guardians series and The Gifted Ones series. Reviewers have called Dianne's books "fast-paced and humorous" (Publishers Weekly), "utterly addictive" (RT Book Reviews), "extraordinary" (Long and Short Reviews), and"wonderfully imaginative" (The Romance Reviews). Her books have twice been nominated for RT Reviewers' Choice Awards and are routinely deemed Top Picks by RT Book Reviews, The Romance Reviews,and/or Night Owl Reviews. 

Dianne loves all things creative. When she isn't writing, Dianne is active in the independent film industry and has even appeared on-screen, crawling out of a moonlit grave and wielding a machete like some of the vampires she creates in her books.

For the latest news on upcoming releases, contests, and more, please visit You can also find Dianne online. 

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Favorite Quotes from the Immortal Guardians Series

Hello! Thanks so much for joining me. I’m happy to be here at Ramblings From This Chick, celebrating the release of DEATH OF DARKNESS, the latest book in my Immortal Guardians series. If you like powerful preternatural heroes, strong heroines, action scenes that will keep you flipping pages well past your bedtime, and romance that is alternately steamy, sweet and laced with humor, then I think you’ll enjoy this book. And if you’re new to my Immortal Guardians series, don’t worry. Each novel and novella can be read as a stand-alone. You’ll just know more about the secondary characters if you read them in order.

Usually on my blog tours, I like to share some of my all-time favorite quotes from my Immortal Guardians series to provide new readers with a glimpse of what they’ll find in it. But I think I’m going to narrow it down a bit this time. To help you get to know Seth (the hero of DEATH OF DARKNESS), I thought I would share some of my favorite Seth-related quotes. The first two are from my medieval and time-travel romance series The Gifted Ones. (There’s some crossover between the two series because Seth is old enough to have lived in medieval times.) The rest are from my Immortal Guardians paranormal romance series:


Meghan looked to her grandfather.

“Go with him.”

Go with him where? Seth couldn’t sprout wings and fly her there.

She eyed the stranger uneasily. Could he?

His lips twitched. “There are faster means than even that to convey you.”

Again her mouth fell open. Had he read her thoughts?


—Meghan, her grandfather, and Seth, A SORCERESS OF HIS OWN


Beth looked at Robert. “He isn’t going to answer me, is he?”

“Nay, he seems disinclined to do so.”

“Fine,” she muttered, holstering her weapon. “But I gotta tell ya,” she groused, “the MYSTERY part of this whole tall, dark, handsome, mystery-man thing you’ve got going can really be annoying sometimes.”

Seth’s smile widened. “So I have been told.”

—Bethany, Robert, and Seth, RENDEZVOUS WITH YESTERDAY


“What—are you high? You just told me my hair is beautiful.”



“You are NOT fine,” Seth said. “But you will be. Even if I have to kick your ass every night to get you there.”

“How is kicking my ass going to help?” Marcus grouched.

Seth shrugged. “Makes ME feel better.”

—Seth and Marcus, NIGHT REIGNS


“All right. All right. Settle down. We’re all glad Sarah stabbed Bastien in the ass.”



Seth nodded. “They’ll think I’m playing matchmaker.”

“AND playing favorites.”

“That’s ridiculous.”

“Exactly. Everyone knows I’m your favorite and yet I remain distressingly unattached.”

Seth grinned. “Angling for me to set you up on a blind date?”

“Hell, no.”

—Seth and David (his second-in-command), DARKNESS RISES


Seth glanced at him from the corner of his eye. “Now what’s wrong? You’re scowling again.”

“I don’t know,” Zach said, puzzled. “For a moment I just felt this peculiar… I don’t know… NON-murderous connection to you or something.”

“It’s called kinship, asshole.”


—Seth and Zach, NIGHT UNBOUND


Adira toddled toward Seth, touching each man’s knee on the way.

Seth bent and scooped her into his arms, kissing her cheek, then blowing raspberries in her chubby neck rolls. Giggles filled the air as she squirmed against him, leaning back and clutching him tighter all at the same time.

How he loved this baby girl.

“I don’t know about you,” Chaahk said, “but I’m feeling a little rebuffed.”

“Why,” Seth asked with a laugh, “because I didn’t blow raspberries in YOUR neck?”

Aidan and Imhotep laughed.

—Seth, Chaahk, Imhotep, Adira


Bastien studied Seth. Backing up a couple of steps, he looked up at the stormy sky, then over his shoulder at the trees that swayed in a rough wind, before arching a brow at Seth. “Did I come at a bad time?”

Seth sighed. “Just get your ass in here.”

—Bastien and Seth, BLADE OF DARKNESS


Seth scowled and decreed sternly, “Do NOT read her mind, telepaths. I expressly forbid it. Zach, you and David may read Leah’s mind only in the case of a dire emergency. The rest of you may not. Do so against my wishes and you will suffer my wrath.”

Leah nodded somberly. “Seth told me that many of you see him as something of a father figure.” Leaning into his side, she gave his chest a little pat. “Trust me when I say you do NOT want to read my mind and see the kinky sh** daddy does in bed.”

Eyes widened as over a dozen mouths fell open.

Seth threw back his head and laughed.


I have many other favorites, of course, but these are at the top of my list. :-)

For fans of either series: Do you have a favorite Seth-related quote that isn’t mentioned here?

For readers who are new to my books: Which of these did you like the best?

Seth has led the Immortal Guardians for thousands of years. With them fighting by his side, he has protected humans from psychotic vampires, defeated corrupt mercenary armies, defended military bases under attack, and more. But the latest enemy to rise against the Immortal Guardians has proven to be a formidable one, wielding almost as much power as Seth. His goal is simple. He wants to watch the world burn. And he will use every means at his disposal to accomplish it. Seth and his Immortal Guardians have succeeded thus far in staving off Armageddon despite heartbreaking losses. But they have never before faced such danger. Seth has only one wish: to protect his Immortal Guardians family and ensure the continuation of humanity by defeating his foe. But then Leah walks into his life and sparks a new desire.

Leah Somerson has suffered losses of her own. It has taken her a long time to rebuild her life and find some semblance of peace. Then one night a tall, dark, powerful immortal with what appears to be the weight of the world on his shoulders stumbles into her shop, and everything changes. Peace and contentment are no longer enough. Now she wants more. She wants to find happiness. She wants to erase the darkness in Seth’s eyes and replace it with love and laughter. She knows he’s different in ways that make most fear him. Even some of his immortal brethren keep a careful distance. But Leah will not. Nor will she shy away when danger strikes.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | Apple | Kobo |

Check out the Immortal Guardians series:

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $50 Amazon Gift Card
  • 1 $25 Amazon Gift Card
  • 1 Immortal Guardian & The Gifted Ones Prize Packs that includes; a Death of Darkness tote bag, signed paperback copies of Blade of Darkness and Awaken the Darkness, 13 bookmarks, 13 collector cards, and 5 postcards.

To Enter:
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Dianne Duvall for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Marcy Meyer said...

I enjoyed the quotes from the series. They sounds good. Thanks for sharing.

Edye Nicole said...

love the cover!

mk said...

I have read this series since it started, and I'm glad its still going strong!

Make Kay

Nancy Jones said...

I love this series.

Calvin F. said...

Cool share, spotted this a while ago.

Debra Shutters said...

New author to me and this sounds good.

Suzannah Clark said...

Ha! I laughed out loud at the tall dark and mysterious guy quote! what a hoot!

Debra-Ann Kummoung said...

I can’t help but smile at these quotes. They are some of my favorites.

Author's Taproom said...

Thank you for sharing, Dani! I hope that your readers enjoy Seth's story in DEATH OF DARKNESS - coming August 20th!

Flora said...

One of my favourite series! This is a great post, Dani and I loved reminiscing about those scenes. Can't wait for 20th when Death of Darkness comes out.

Buffy Kennedy said...

Leah has a ton of funny lines, she's my favorite!

bluedragonsii said...

Can't wait!

Deb PelletierC said...

the book sounds interesting. :)

Jen B. said...

"Why,” Seth asked with a laugh, “because I didn’t blow raspberries in YOUR neck?”...This is just so sweet!

Deborah Calvert said...

Excited for it to get here

Pat said...

OMG I love these quotes and I love this series. Can’t wait for Seth’s story and David’s ?? I hope ��

Dee said...

What I love about the series is those eye catching covers. I love them. Thank you for the post of those awesome quotes too!!

dstoutholcomb said...

enjoyed reading the quotes

Emalie said...

I love how Seth seems like this dark, mysterious leader but he's actually really funny as well :) Thanks for sharing, especially that last quote. Can't wait :)

BookLady said...

Congrats on the new release! The Immortal Guardians series sounds fascinating. Thanks for sharing the great quotes.

Gaby Pendragon said...

This is a new author to me but reading these quotes I'm so intrigued and excited, they're funny and sweet and it all just makes me want to start this series asap!!

Rachel Richardson said...

Can't wait to read it!

gamistress66 said...

Lovdd Seth, heck love the series. Looking forward to more quotes and the book

Di said...

I've been wondering about this series - maybe it's time to try it.

copycas said...

I love this series and these quotes are such a good representation of Seth! I can't wait for Death of Darkness!

wendy Hutton said...

sounds like a wonderful series of books

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