
Review: Don't You Dare by CE Ricci


I have become a huge fan of CE Ricci's since reading her River of Rain duet. Having devoured every book she has out since, I honestly couldn't wait for Don't You Dare. This book is different from what she has released previously, but it was every bit as good! I cannot even begin to put into words how much I love her books, but if you are a fan of M/M romance, she is a must read. 

While she normally does enemies to lovers stories, Don't You Dare centers around best friends Aspen and Keene. These two are the friendship that everyone hopes to have in their life, the kind that would go to the ends of the earth and back for one another. I loved their bond and the fact that it had been so strong since childhood just made this one that much sweeter. Of course everything changed with a single dare when they kiss and from there I couldn't get enough of them. Seeing how they each struggled with their feelings and everything they thought they knew about themselves made me want to hug each of them. But it was clear that these two were meant for so much more than just friendship with one another. They were sexy and steamy, and I could not put this one down as they explored everything that was growing and changing between them.

I'm so glad that CE Ricci took a chance on writing something different because it absolutely paid off here. Keene and Aspen's story was perfect, emotional and sexy and captivating from start to finish. I am new to her books, but I have become such a huge fan and honestly can't wait to read everything from her that she writes in the future. If you are a fan of M/M books, she is a must read author and this one was fantastic. 

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