
ARC Review: The Summer We Fell by Elizabeth O'Roard


The Summer We Fell is the first book I’ve read by Elizabeth O’Roark, but it definitely won’t be the last! This one was so good and I couldn’t put it down. I read it basically in one sitting because I just didn’t want to leave these characters. I had to know how things would turn out and I couldn’t have loved them more.

Luke and Juliet always had something between them. It was obvious from their first meeting, but things between them were far from easy. Juliet being with Luke’s best friend forced them to be around each other, but it grew into so much more the more they were around each other. There was so much that happened that shaped each of them into who they were, and I loved seeing how each of them grew and changed over the course of this book. Their pull was undeniable, and I found myself feeling all the emotions while I read their story. 

This book was one of the best books I’ve read this year, and I can honestly say I just felt so connected to Luke and Juliet. This one had my heart breaking at times, but the journey was absolutely worth it. I was so invested right from the start and I can’t recommend this one enough. Looking forward to reading more from Elizabeth O’Roark in the future!

**ARC Provided by Valentine PR**

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