
Guest Post and Giveaway with Author Daisy Harris

Today I would like to welcome author Daisy Harris to the blog. Daisy is currently on tour promoting her newest release Studenstein. So please give a warm welcome to Daisy.

Hi there! Firstly, I'd like to thank Danielle for having me on the blog. THANKS!

She asked me to talk a little bit today about where my ideas came from for my new release, Studenstein. Well, the simple answer is that they came from the first book in my Love-Bot series, Lust After Death.

When I first wrote it, Lust After Death was a zombie marriage of convenience story with a cast of characters as long as my arm. It was designed to be a stand-alone book, but once I came up with the idea of reanimated humans called "steins" I was off and running!

Lust After Death was originally coined "The Bride" and the only thing I could think to write as a sequel was "The Stud."

My steins are undead people built by humans to be anything the builder wants. So it stands to reason that each of them would epitomize the builder's basest desires, or highest dreams, or both. I borrowed from Terminator, Weird Science, and every zombie movie I'd ever seen in creating my steins. And with the steins specifically built as wives, girlfriends, or sex slaves, I coined the term "Love-Bots."

I mean, seriously--if people could re-animate corpses and program them to do things, how long before they started manufacturing sex slaves? I'm thinking a few years at most.

Hence, The Stud was born, and soon after I was calling him "Studenstein." The "stud" in question is Royce Harden, a love-bot built for Synadate by the Synaviv Corporation. He's male perfection personified--charming, handsome, and with a body to make women and men sigh. Without a single inhibition and quite a few custom upgrades, Royce puts my hard-nosed heroine Shani at ease when no other man in existence could. Royce has a weakness, maybe even a few.

He likes being a sex slave. Or at least, he's convinced himself he likes it. And Shani wants to free him.

The thing I loved most about Royce wasn’t his vibrating tongue, or even his unflinching comfort level with absolutely everything, it was the way he’d made peace with his station in the world. Usually, when a hero starts out a story in slavery, we see him fighting and hating his masters. The average hero’s strength shines through his reluctance to accept what he’s given.

Not so with Royce! On the one hand, he's in denial about the suckiness of his job. But on the other hand... Well, there's a certain strength in making the best of a bad situation. And that's the kind of strength Royce has. He's inherently happy and easy-going, and a perfect match to the hot-headed Shani.

Royce is perfect, yet horribly flawed, but in the end, utterly perfect. And therein lies the heart of Stundenstein, and the reason I set out to write this sexy, ridiculous, and completely awesome story.

I hope you’ll give it a read. And I can’t wait to see if you love Royce the Studenstein as much as I do!

(Book two in the Love-Bots series)
A man built for sex… A woman who wants more…
Freedom fighter Shani Brown is determined to drag the ungrateful Royce back to her team in Seattle. Despite his denial of mistreatment, she wants to give him a chance at a better life. Due to her horrific past as an unlicensed love-bot, Shani never plans to have sex again. But Royce’s makers punish him remotely with crippling pain. His only escape is to orgasm. Never one to turn her back on a job, Shani soon finds herself servicing him—and soon after, caring for him.
Love-bot Royce Harden wasn’t looking to be rescued, especially not from the San Francisco BDSM club where he was having a perfectly good time. But rescued he was—by a hellcat bent on delivering him to her people. As Royce starts to trust Shani, he begins to dream of freedom. But freedom comes with a price. Royce must face his vanity, his makers, and even the loss of his sexual upgrades if he’s going to be the man Shani deserves.
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She pressed her mouth to his, shutting him up. Her breath tickled his cheek and she rubbed her hand along his stubble as if she thought he was perfect no matter what. After long moments, Shani spoke against his lips. “You stupid, stupid slave boy.” She pulled back far enough so he could see her roll her eyes. “How could you even think I’d care about all of that?”
 “That’s all anyone’s ever cared about.” The words popped out before he could stop them and Royce winced at how petulant he sounded. “I mean to say… That’s what I’ve always been good at. Why people wanted me.”
 Shani put her hand on her hip, her expression smug. “Didn’t I tell you flies weren’t worth catching?”
 Royce felt a smile tug at the corner of his lips—a grin he’d never practiced and hadn’t been programmed with, an expression he was pretty sure he’d only ever shown to Shani. “I guess I shoulda listened, huh?”
 She slugged his arm, luckily his uninjured one. “Yeah, good thing you’re pretty.” Shani leaned over and kissed his cheek, whispering in his ear. “Because you are dumb as nails.”

**Author Info**

Birkenstock-wearing glamour girl and mother of two by immaculate conception, Daisy Harris still isn’t sure if she writes erotica. Her paranormal romances start out innocently enough. However, her characters behave like complete sluts. Much to Miss Harris’s dismay, the sex tends to get completely out of hand.

If you like science-y subplots, fantastical creatures, and red-hot chemistry, you’ll love Daisy Harris.

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Thanks a bunch for having me on the blog, Danielle. And readers, don’t forget to leave a comment to enter to win a $25 Barnes and Noble gift card!
That's right, as Daisy stated above make sure to leave a comment along with your email address for a chance to win a $25 Barnes & Noble gift card. One commenter from her tour is going to win. So make sure to stop by the rest of her tour stops to increase your chances for winning. 
Good Luck!


mnjcarter said...

I'm glad that Shani eventually starts caring for Royce, cause she sure sounds like a you know what in the excerpt. Can't wait to read this series, sounds great!

Yto said...

an interesting series. i loved the excerpt -especially the last line. it made me laugh.

witchvela at web dot de

Anonymous said...

Thanks for commenting guys!
MNJ- Shani's a big softie inside. She just comes off a little harsh sometimes. :)

Yto-Glad I could make u smile!


Maria D. said...

Loved the excerpt...especially when Shani calls him a "stupid stupid slave boy" to see there is some humor in the story too!
Thanks for the contest


booklover0226 said...

Enjoyed the post and the excerpt. I can't wait to read Studenstein.

Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com

Mel said...

What fun!

tammy ramey said...

i love the cover, it's gorgeous and the excerpt was wonderful. i can hardly wait to read the rest of the book and see what happens next.

Cathy M said...

This series idea is so unique, Daisy, and I can't believe how much I enjoyed reading Lust After Death. Looking forward to reading Royce and Shani's story.

caity_mack at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Maria, thanks! I love mixing humor and smexy!

Tracey- Hiya! Nice to see you!

Mel, thanks for commenting!

Tammy- Yeah, it is a very pretty cover. The art department at EC is spectacular. :)

Cathy- So glad to hear you enjoyed the first book. Hope you like the second (and third) as much!

Chrisbails said...

This is a new author for me and always looking for new books to read. This book sounds good and would love to win and read it.
Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win.

Eva's Flowers said...

Yet another small excerpt I hadn't read before, very cool, thanks for sharing. You may have mentioned this before, but I can't many stories do you have planned for the series?


Anonymous said...

Hi Christine! Thanks for taking the time to comment. Hope you enjoy the books!

Eva- Hi again! I'm not sure exactly how many books I'm planning to write for this series. There will be at least four. (The third is under contract now, and I'm writing #4.) I have up to three more books I *could* write in the series after that, but I want to see how readers feel about the characters and the world.

Chelsea B. said...

This story DOES sound awesome! I can't wait to read it!


latishajean said...

Thank you for sharing would love to read this book sounds good! great giveaway thank you very much!

Jolene and Family said...

Thanks for sharing, would love to win this book!!!!


Unknown said...

sizzling hot!very interesting indeed XD


Darlene said...

Please enter me in the draw, and thanks for the giveaway!

darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com
GFC Darlene

Christine A. said...

Great excerpt, I hope to win. Thanks for this giveaway.

your1chef at aol dot com

Krysykat said...

“Yeah, good thing you’re pretty.” “Because you are dumb as nails.”
Lol, I read this and almost peed myself laughing :)


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