
Wicked Blog Tour: Guest Post with Jenn LeBlanc and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog the lovely and amazing Jenn LeBlanc. Jenn is the author of the super awesome book The Rake and The Recluse. Jenn has done super awesome, she has revamped her story and added a lot more story along with tons more pictures. Along with the revamping, she has broken it down into six serials that are to be released every two weeks. So everyone please give a very warm welcome to the super awesome Jenn LeBlanc.

WELCOME! To the WICKED blog tour. This tour is to celebrate the release of THE RAKE AND THE RECLUSE (TRATR) as a fully illustrated, re-edited, six part serial novel. Not only does it have new scenes but it will include Perry’s story, the never before released end to TRATR.

Dani thank you SO MUCH for hosting me here, for the release of FOUND: THE RAKE AND THE RECLUSE: Part Two. I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am about this book, and sharing it with all of my readers.

Jenn is a novelist and photographer born, raised and living in the lee of the great Rocky Mountains. Her illustrated Novel THE RAKE AND THE RECLUSE was originally released in February of 2011 to rave reviews and snarky comments. She recently revised the entire novel, turning it into a six-part serial with all new material and the never before released story of Perry, The Rake.

Places to find Jenn:
Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | 

A woman out of time.
A man stifled by propriety.
A nemesis determined to take her away.
A brother to the rescue.

How will a powerful Duke deal with a woman who doesn't know her place? How will a woman used to the 21st century survive in time where she is considered property?

THE RAKE AND THE RECLUSE Part Two finds Francine in the world of the Duke of Roxleigh. The clashing of worlds in first installment of the completely revised novel continues as Francine finds her footing, discovers secrets about her elusive host, and learns more about herself than she ever thought possible.

Francine Larrabee woke up on the wrong side of the century. She was fairly certain she went to sleep in her own comfy bed, but she doesn’t quite seem to be there now. Only adding to her problems is that she has no voice, is constantly being glowered at by a large, stunning man who is obsessed with propriety, and she is apparently betrothed to another horrid little man, determined to ruin her, and any other girls that get in his way.
How does she find herself in the past, when she couldn’t even find herself in her present? How does a self sufficient businesswoman survive in a time when women were still considered property for the whole of their lives and what is she going to do with this man who draws her to him so fiercely.

TRATR redux can be found here:

Part One: Freedom
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | All Romance |

Part Two: Found
| Amazon | Barnes & NobleAll Romance |

So...Dani, Kati of Romancing Rakes, Rita of Not Another Romance Blog and Jamie from For The Love Of Romance, are hosting some very special blog posts on my release days during the tour.

Dani is all about the places
Kati is all about the people
Rita is hosting interviews with other Victorian authors
and Jamie Lynn is all about the stuff.

So, without further ado...

5 places to do it out of doors in Victorian England

Outdoor sexy time is quite popular, and why not? The beautiful sky overhead, the soft green grass beneath a meadow...dappled with sunlight...but I am getting ahead of myself. You still don’t want an audience, or perhaps you do but, for the purposes of romance, you don’t.

1. Gardens. There were lots of them, and I might mention that they were quite often designed with secret liaisons in mind. Vauxhall is a famous outdoor pleasure garden in London, though at the time of my book it no longer existed (mid 17th century to the mid 19th century). It had several paths with secluded areas for elicit rendezvous, and most gardens were the same, high hedgerows, sharp corners, carefully laid out designs. Only the owners were sure about the direction of their pathways.

2. Parks. In London there were several parks for gatherings, much like gardens there were different areas for different...activities. There were areas set aside for babes to play, for horses to be exercised, for carriages to queue, for sports such as archery or shooting. There were likewise paths through gardens wooded areas for more...secluded and private sporting events. Bring a rug, or prepare to damage your cape.

3. Between the mews. This one is not quite as recommended. The mews were the carriage houses, like alleys. Blackburne’s mews ran behind Grosvenor square, and it housed the cattle and their keepers. There were plenty of places to have an elicit meeting in the mews, though not for a lady. Perhaps an available carriage, or hay loft in one of the buildings.

4. Rooftops. There are some stunning views to be had from rooftops, though not necessarily in old London. Too much smog and soot from the chimneys. Outside London in the country, though, the views would be vast and impressive. As well as mostly private, as long as arrangements were made with the staff.

5. Water features. Now here is a favorite. By water feature I mean a fountain (in a private garden of course) a pond or stream, (gently flowing would be best) or a lake. Here you should be sure that you both can swim. I would hate for someone to be carried away by a swift moving stream. That would be unfortunate. Of course we can always include rain as a water feature, and it is readily available in England, but be wary, with the rain comes the mud. Water features are also quite popular in romance novels, There is a steamy rain scene in ROMANCING THE COUNTESS, by Ashley March. Rain adds that certain tactile experience of the drops hitting the skin. You don’t want too much of a storm though, that could get painful. You would also want to be close to somewhere warm, because you wouldn’t want ot catch your death. OH!! There is a rain scene in Johanna Bourne’s THE BLACK HAWK as well. *rawr* You know where else there is a scene involving water and nakedness? TRATR part three.

What do you think? Have I missed some terribly wonderful outdoor sexy spot? Tell me where the sexy happens out of doors.

Comment here to be entered to win the FULL SIX PART SERIAL NOVEL AS IT IS RELEASED. Be sure to answer the question and include your email ninja-style. You will also be entered to win the grand prize at the end of the competition (restrictions apply: full rules can be found here)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


May said...

Wow... you have put a lot of thought into this. I think you cover most of them.... if not all! :) I like the rain/water parts... totally sexy. :)

Jenn LeBlanc said...

Haha, thank you Nightclub Guest List, can I call you Night? ;)

May I think the rain/water is a favorite for lots of us. Have you seen List In Austen? It's this great BBC mini series, available on Netflix. Like 3 hours. She is from here and goes back to meet Darcy et al. At one point she has him get soaked in a pond... Because she can. *sigh*

Thank you!!

Larissa said...

Man, now I know where my characters can have their private meetings at. I never thought about the rooftops. Now I'll have to add that to my books. Thanks for the great suggestions. :)

AsianCocoa said...

I think I like the rooftop scenario the best. You're completely open to the elements, you would have to be careful to not fall off, and the idea that someone might see you would be especially sexy.
~ Monique
asiancocoa94 at aol dot com

Jenn LeBlanc said...

Artemis I LOVED Breaking Point, and Pamela Clare. She is fantabulous.

Larissa I'm glad you were able to glean something from this list. I have always loved rooftops, particularly in UK and France because the old giant houses are like entire cities of chimneys up there.

Monique It's a completely different world! Have you seen the roof of Chambord? Ah MAZE ing. :)

Patricia said...

That's quite a list already. I like the rooftop for a little alone time. The view would be amazing.

Shelley B said...

Hey Jenn.... You very generously gave me part 1 and I bought part 2 this week. I loved them both. The pictures add so much to the story. I hope this is the direction more authors will head to. I love all the pictures on your site. Thanks!
srbagby 50 at gmail dot com

Jenn LeBlanc said...

I agree completely Patricia, depending on the roof of course ;)

THANK YOU Shelley!! I love to hear that, I really appreciate it :) Good luck in the giveaway! Part three will be out sooner than you think :)


Kati said...

A little tardy for the party but the golf course? haha

Veronika said...

lol So many amazing outdoor places, I couldn't help but imagine all of them as I read it! My absolute favorite was the rooftop and water places...oh, and the garden scene... UGH, I can't choose, I love all of them! Thank you for making this post!
verusbognar (at) gmail (dot) com

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