
Guest Post with Author Vicky Dreiling and ARC Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Vicky Dreiling to the blog. Vicky has stopped by today with for a quick post and giveaway, so please give Vicky a warm welcome.

Do you ever forget stuff? Do you ever duplicate efforts because you have so much going on that you forget you already did it? Take the supermarket, for example. I make a list, but invariably I’ll buy something I already have, because I saw it on the shelf and couldn’t recall if I have the item or not.

Recently, I somehow managed to send This Rambling Chick (AKA Danielle) two Advance Reader Copies (ARC) of my upcoming third historical HOW TO RAVISH A RAKE. (By the way an ARC is an uncorrected proof of the book.) So now Dani has two copies and is giving one away to one lucky reader who comments (US & CA only please). Yay!!!!

So, are you forgetful sometimes? What’s the funniest thing you ever forgot or duplicated?

Coming March 27th!


Amy Hardwick has one last Season to shake off her wallflower image and make a love match. If she can’t, she’ll set aside her dreams of romance and return home to a suitor who can provide security—if little else. What she doesn’t count on is the inappropriate—and irresistible—attention lavished on her in a darkened library by rake extraordinaire Will “The Devil” Darcett . . .


When Will is caught in a tryst with the ton’s shyest miss, he knows he must offer for her hand. Yet Amy is not the shrinking violet she seems to be. Passion lies beneath her prim exterior and Will is eager to release it. But winning Amy isn’t simply a matter of seduction; first, Will must convince her that he’s mended his wicked ways . . .

Places to Pre-Order:

Vicky Dreiling is a confirmed historical romance junkie and Anglophile. Frequent business trips to the UK allowed her to indulge her passion for all things Regency England. Bath, Stonehenge, and Spencer House are among her favorite places. She is, however, truly sorry for accidentally setting off a security alarm in Windsor Castle. That unfortunate incident led her British colleagues to nickname her “Trouble.” When she’s not writing, Vicky enjoys reading, films,concerts, and most of all, long lunches with friends. A native Texan, she holds degrees in English literature and marketing.

Places to find Vicky:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


chilosa2004 said...

I have a pretty good memory but I work in a kitchen and sometimes i go to the back freezer or fridge and i forget what i came for, i'll stand there and say to myself think, think!

Vicky Dreiling said...

LOL chilosa2004- I've so done that, too!

Johanna R Jochum said...

The biggest thing I forgot was my hubbies birthday a few years ago. The only reason I figured it out was when his parents pulled up that evening with a cake and gifts! I was so horrified that I forgot and he never said a word. It's funny he won't let me forget about that ever! He thinks it a great joke he loves telling people!

vicky dreiling said...

Johanna, usually it's the guy who forgets, right? Or maybe not. Makes a good memory that's for sure. Cheers!

Rebe said...

Johanna, I was married to my husband for 2 months, convinced that his birthday was Nov. 9, when in fact it's Nov. 15. So I feel your pain!!! I don't actually forget much, but I have found myself wondering what the heck I'm doing in the living room and why I came downstairs.

Vicky Dreiling said...


This is totally hilarious. We always say it's the guys who forget, but I guess the girls do, too.


Barbara E. said...

Yes, I'm forgetful sometimes. It always bugs me when I forget something that seems so obvious that I'd remember, like a book sitting right next to me that I ordered again - and didn't remember until it arrived. Doh! I always do that thing where something seems like it's right on the tip of my tongue, but I just can't spit it out, and then of course, later, when I stop trying to remember it, it will pop into my head (and out of my mouth). :D

Kim said...

Luckily, I'm not too forgetful. Although I did put something where I wouldn't forget it, then couldn't find the hiding place.


erin said...

Thanks for the fantastic giveaway! I just acquired your first two books for my Kindle and I can't wait to get started!

I'm always putting things in a "safe" place and forgetting where that place is! I usually find them days/months even! and then of course I turn around and do it again! arggh.

vicky dreiling said...

Erin, Kim, and Barbara E Im the same way. I put something in a specific place & of course, I have to practically go through everything on my desk to find it later.

Erin, don't you love ordering books on Kindle. Instant gratification! I still love paperbacks, too. Often I buy those at my friends' booksignings. And I will always love bookstores. I think you all will understand when I say it's so special to walk the book aisles & get to pick them up.

Unknown said...

I end up with book duplications all the time. I need to add to my Goodreads a new tag line that says "I own but havent read" I am sure that would stop the duplication.

As for forgetful, I've often set my alarm for Sat morning thinking it was another work day, pre-ordered something but then also purchased it the day it came out and if it wasnt for my wall calendar, Id miss important dates.

vicky dreiling said...

MichelleKCanada - Hi! If I forget to put something in my calendar, I'm toast. The worst is when I have to scroll through my email to figure out what it is I forgot. And I've definitely ordered books I already have, but with my Kindle, I can easily check my bookshelf so that helps.

Unknown said...

I love your cover! My funniest forgetfulness involves my children. I'm terrible with names, so I am always saying "Hey you," running through 2-3 names (other children, the dog, the husband, etc) before I finally hit the right one.

cheryl c said...

Just today I was forgetful at the library's used book sale. I came home with 3 books that I already have! I have a huge pile of TBR books, so sometimes I forget what's already there. Gee...

Vicki, I have read your first 2 books and absolutely LOVED them!

castings at mindspring dot com

Katie @ Pink Elephants Over the Miles said...

All.The.Time....I forget my keys in the door lock, I forget where I set down my phone (many times a day), I forget what day it is most days too. I just have no memory it seems! But the best one recently has to be that while I was packing my car for an overnight trip to my parents (a couple months ago I guess), I got everything in the car, buckled my kid in, climbed into the driver's seat then had to run back into the house to get the dog who was in the kennel waiting for me...sad.

I can hardly wait for more releases from you, Vicky!

Chrisbails said...

I have a very good memory and generally forget things. The only silly thing I did recently was I switched my kids snowpants for school. I put hers in his and vice versa. My daughter is older by 3 years and puts on her brothers snowpants. She walks down to her brothers classroom with too small pants on. The teachers thought this was very funny. She tells the teacher, I think i have dylans pants on. They barely fit and were highwaters.
Love Vicki's books and love this series. Very excited to read Amy's book. She was one of my fav secondary characters. I just bet it is going to be a great read.

drgnys30 said...

The funniest thing I have forgotten was my car....I was about 32weeks pregnant and was sure I had driven myself to work. I walked out to where my car was supposed to be parked and was complaining to my fellow nurses that my keys were missing...My car was not where I parked it and I freaked out! After calling my husband, crying that someone had stolen our only vehichle and what was I going to do while 8 months prego,we had a good laugh because he sounded awful chipper to be out of bed at 7am. Come to realize, I had forgotten he had dropped me off at work the night before and was at present sitting in front of the hospital waiting for me! My fellow nurses have not let me live it down....hehehe....

drgnys30 said...

Ooops, forgot email... Drgnys30 at g mail dot com

June M. said...

I have noticed getting more forgetful in recent years. Last month, I completely missed a doctor's appointment because I kept thinking that I had an appointment the next day (on Thursday). At about 6 pm, I realized that it was Thursday, and that I had missed my appt. Luckily, my dr office is pretty cool and worked me in.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

Jeanne M said...

The one thing that I inherited from my father was forgeting things so of course I passed this onto my youngest son as well! Needless to say my daughter-in-law is not pleased! We try to compensate for this trait by writing lists but of course we always forget to check the list!

My youngest son is so bad that he has to write lists on which lists to check! My grandchildren never can figure out why they get birthday gifts two weeks after their birthday and friends wonder why Christmas cards are always received after New Years. (I write them out around Thanksgiving and then forget to mail them).

Now at least I can blame "old age" but that didn't work when I was in my 20's!

One time I decided to write out birthday cards, etc. and put them in a file by date to be mailed - but I forgot to check the file!

My husband consoles me by saying it's because I'm too busy between work and helping out by spending my weekends and free time babysitting for my grandchildren but the truth is I just forget!

I wish I could use the excuse that I pick up things I already have at the grocery store because I forgot that I already had some at home but the truth is that if something I think of as a staple is on sale I'll buy some to get it at the lower price. Unfortunately this means sometimes that means we end up with 4 jars of peanutbutter in the pantry. The upside is that in case of peanutbutter the price is really going up so I may end up selling it on the black market and make a big profit - well at least I'll make more than I am in my Retirement account with the way the market is going.

See there are some good things about being forgetful!

Patricia Perez said...

The worse thing that I am forgetful about is when I am at the store or on-line looking for new books to buy. I have a tendency to buy a book that I have already read. I fail to notice that they are re-printed because the authors change the cover each time they re-release a book. Like they say you can never judge a book by it's cover lol.

Patricia Perez said...

I forgot to leave my e-mail I hope it's not to late for a chance to win.

vicky dreiling said...

Tory, I laughed so hard at your "Hey You" story. The dog part was priceless! Cheers!

vicky dreiling said...

Cheryl C,

I think we've determined that many of us have accidentally bought books we already have. If we all lived close by we could have a yard sale LOL! Thanks so much for letting me know you read & enjoyed my first two books. I had a lot of fun writing them. And I think you all will really get a kick out of Amy's book.

Sharon Delacueva said...

First I want to say I'm so excited for How To Ravish a Rake. I love love loved How to Seduce a Scoundrel.

My hubby constantly teases me for being absentminded. I can't even tell you how many times I've looked for my glasses while I'm wearing them or when they are hooked on the front of my shirt :P

Vicky Dreiling said...


I'm glad you remembered your dog! You know, I think we're just constantly overloaded with so much stuff that we'd have to be human computers to keep up. Maybe I need a bigger processor LOL - that's what the Geek Squad tried to tell me!

Monikarw said...

Well, the usual I guess.. When I'm traveling I always forget if I have something so I buy 1 of everything I want to take with me and put it on the suitcase.. That way I make sure I don't forget something! But hey, I'm weird! Lol :)
thanks vicky, I've heard great things about your books and can't wait to try them :)

Dani, you are awesome :*

Vicky Dreiling said...


I LOL at the snowpants mix up. Oh, boy, that will be a story your kids will tell for years! Thanks so much for your kind words about my books. I will say this - I had a great time writing Amy's book. Of course, I threw the worst rake in London at her LOL. You guys will get a kick out of the crazy stuff that happens. I brainstormed with my friend Kristi (she's an author) and we came up with a really wild idea. ;-) This job is too much fun!

vickydreiling said...

Everyone, you must read drgnys30's forgetful story - this one is a doozy. Thanks for sharing - LOVED it.

vicky dreiling said...

June M,

Wow you do have a great doctor. A lot of them take forever to get an appointment. Thanks for stopping by!

vicky dreiling said...


I think almost everyone here has duplicated book purchases, including me! It's easy to do that's for sure.

vicky dreiling said...

Jeanne M,

I make lists and forget them LOL. Then a week later, I'll clean out my purse only to find the list at the bottom of my bag. Thanks for stopping by!

vicky dreiling said...


I so can relate. I've actually thought I lost my sunglasses when they're on top of my head LOL! Thanks for letting me know you enjoyed HOW TO SEDUCE A SCOUNDREL. I'm talking to my editor next week and will tell her that so many of you enjoyed my other books. She'll love to hear the news.

The_Book_Queen said...

Thanks for yet another great giveaway opportunity! :D


Di said...

I have a horrible short term memory - I compensate by writing things down - sometimes that even helps me remember & I don't have to check the note.
sallans d at yahoo dot com

vicky dreiling said...

The Book Queen ~ Good Luck!

Di,I have to keep a calendar or I'll totally forget something I'm supposed to being. I'm easily distracted, especially on the Internet.

Jeanne M said...

Vicky -
Besides my earlier post concerning your question I also wanted to let you know how much I love your books!

I fell in love with your stories when I read How to Marry a Duke and loved Tristen and Tessa story. I didn't know how you could manage to follow it up but you not only met but surpassed by expectations with Mark and Julianne's story, How to Seduce a Scoundrel.

I just wanted to let anyone who hasn't already had the pleasure of reading these two stories to take the time between now and the release of How to Ravish a Rake in April to pick one up at their local bookstore or click on Amazon and get them downloaded on your Kindle now! You really want to read these two stories first and then your pleasure in reading How to Ravish a Rake will be tripled!

My only complaint is having to wait for your next book to be released. Please write faster!

*yadkny* said...

Sometimes I swear I have short term memory loss. I have to have organization in my life otherwise I will forget if I don't have it written down somewhere. So far no embarrassing moments, just late fees from not paying bills on time or family members getting upset because I forgot. I am a work in progress:)

I would love to read your books... I've read so many great reviews!!!

vicky dreiling said...

Jeanne M - I teared up a little when I read your post. xoxoxo! Thank you so very much. I love all my characters so much that when readers let me know they enjoyed the books, it really touches my heart. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

P.S. I'm so excited about HOW TO RAVISH A RAKE & *I* can hardly wait for it to release.

P.S.S. Stay tuned for other news~exciting stuff on the horizon.

Vicky Dreiling said...

yadkny, I have had to pay late fees a few times. Today I had trouble accessing a couple of sites & now I've got to remember to check on them tomorrow so I don't end up paying late fees. I'm not an organized person by nature, but I've had to create spread sheets & use calendars to keep from forgetting things.

JenniferK said...

I'm usually not very forgetful but one time after my daughter was born, I forgot where I put my license. I was very sleep deprived at the time and I forgot that I put it on papers that were meant for the trash after using it for some documents. Needless to say, I threw it out and my poor husband went through the trash to find it. Thankfully, it was on top of the garbage bin instead of the bottom.

Rachel Harris said...

Wow, I am so forgetful that I can't seem to remember a really good story right now. But man, I do it all the time. Hmmmm. . . .it's not funny when you forget birthday parties or some major events (which I do a lot) . . . it's cliche when you forget your glasses on your head or where you put your keys (in your back pocket)--which I do all the time . . .

OH! Here's one: The first time I cooked dinner for my future husband, I was in my apartment up at LSU and made him my extra special chicken (really not so special) and Rice a Roni . . . only the chicken kinda burned b/c I forgot to set the timer, and the Rice a Roni was really bland because I FORGOT to PUT the SEASONING packet IN!! Yep, luckily he married me anyway.


I *adore/wickedly love/get all giggly about* Vicky's books and am waiting not so patiently for How To Ravish a Rake to hit shelves, so yes please, enter me =)

vicky dreiling said...

LOL - that's true love for ya!


bn100 said...

Sometimes I forget the title of a book that I've read, especially if I've read it a while ago.

Diane D - Florida said...

My memory get's worse everyday. I have to write things down, otherwise I totally forget what I was meant to do. I go to the cupboard for something and can't remember what I went there for. DUH!!! I've also put the milk in the cupboard and the sugar in the fridge, and only found it later when I went to make myself a cup of tea.

I love your books Vicki.

dpd333 (at) aol dot com

Jennifer Tram said...

I tend to forget things at the worst times. Just last week I was going to Vegas and I had forgotten my ID so we had to go back so I could get it. It turned out I had forgotten to look in my pocket where my ID was sitting.

Na said...

Sometimes I can forget the most random of things like during the holidays I forgot what the next of the week it was...several times!

Na said...

Sometimes I can forget the most random of things like during the holidays I forgot what the next of the week it was...several times!

vicky dreiling said...

It's been so much fun hearing your forgetful stories. Now I don't feel like the only one... Thanks so much everyone & best of luck in the drawing.


Joanne said...

My niece and nephews are always telling me things to remember for them. I don't know why they think I'll remember but I usually do, except for my youngest nephew. I can never remember anything he tells me. I have forgotten to sign permission slips, to call him. I've even forgotten his contacts. He called me one day and only had one contact and needed another one. Guess what? I forgot to bring him one. He had to go all day in school with one eye closed. Some girl thought he was winking at her all day.


CandyG said...

I'm usually pretty good, but lately I've been in mid sentence and totally forget what i'm saying!

Susan said...

I'm so excited about this book! I loved "How to Marry a Duke" and "How to Seduce a Scoundrel," and when I saw the cover for this one...well, I just can't wait!

As for forgetfulness: I don't usually forget things, but my senior year of college I forgot that school started the second week of January (for second semester). Our university semester always begins on a Wednesday, and that year, instead of going to school on the designated Wednesday, I just vegged out at home.

The next day (Thursday), I went shopping and out to lunch. A friend of mine worked in the restaurant I went to that day. I walked in, just enjoying my day of Christmas vacation, and sat down to order lunch. He asked me how my first week of classes was going. I just looked at him like he was crazy, telling him that school didn't start until the next Wednesday.

Of course, it turns out that I was wrong. I missed the first two days of school. Ugh. Not that big a deal to some people, but to a nerd like me...well, I felt horrible. I still can't believe that something like that happened. I mean, I really am like Rory Gilmore from the "Gilmore Girls." School is sort of an obsession!

Julia said...

My most forgetful moment of the last two hours (this is a true story):
I just getting a pudding cup about to head to the bedroom when all of a sudden the fire alarm at the hotel goes off. I drop my pudding and am about to leave the room when I realize I have no pants on.

So yes, i am glad I remembered that one... and my room key too.

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