
Guest Post with Author Lois Greiman and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Lois Greiman. Lois is celebrating the release of her book Uncorked and has stopped by to chat, but first lets get to know a little about Lois, shall we.

Lois Greiman was born on a cattle ranch in central North Dakota where she learned to ride and spit with the best of them. After graduating from high school, she moved to Minnesota to train and show Arabian horses. But eventually she fell in love, became an aerobics instructor and gave birth to three of her best friends.

She sold her first novel in 1992 and has published more than thirty titles since then, including romantic comedy, historical romance, children’s stories, and her fun-loving Christina McMullen mysteries. A two-time Rita finalist, she has won such prestigious honors as Romantic Times Storyteller Of The Year, MFW’s Rising Star, RT’s Love and Laughter, the Toby Bromberg for most humorous mystery, and the LaVyrle Spencer Award. Her heroes have received K.I.S.S. recognition numerous times and her books have been seen regularly among the industries Top Picks!

With more than two million books printed worldwide, Ms Greiman currently lives on the Minnesota tundra with her family, some of whom are human. In her spare time she likes to ride some of her more hirsute companions in high speed events such as barrel racing and long distance endurance rides.
Places to find Lois:

I grew up in the hippy era. You know, braless, micro skirts, wire-rim glasses.

Are you old enough to remember Twiggy? She was…well…skinny as a twig. Maybe that’s when the craze to be super bony started. I’m not sure. But there were also a lot of other ‘nifty’ trends. Bell bottoms as wide as your hips, for instance. Funky head bands, beads of all sorts and lengths, and hair…the longer and straighter the better. It was an interesting time. But it moved on.

In the seventies I used to disco. I wore metallic pants. Swear to God I did. I had a Danskin skirt in every conceivable color and wore platform shoes that put me in constant danger of injuring myself and others.

The eighties had a love affair with shoulder pads and stirrup pants. I wore both of the above-mentioned catastrophes. Though I can’t exactly tell you why.

I’m not saying that the modern trends are any better. I mean…who decided we should go bare-legged in skirts? I’ll readily admit that pantyhose aren’t the most comfortable torture devises ever invented, but I’m Scandinavian AND Minnesotan. Do you have any idea what that does to one’s skin pigment? If I don’t want to be translucent I have to PAINT on a tan.

As you may have divined, I’m not crazy about any of the aforementioned trends, but I know what I DO like: Halter tops, for instance. I can’t help it. I like ‘em. They’re comfortable, and there’s something about the design that is relatively flattering for my figure type. My mother bought me one about 100,000 years ago that I still wear. Long sculpted jackets that (not coincidently) fully cover my hips. Boot cut jeans. I mean seriously, it just makes sense that I put a little more width on the bottom to make my middle look smaller, right?

There are other things I like, and consequently stick with, also. One of them is my Chrissy McMullen mystery series. I just released Uncorked, the 7th in my series about a crazy LA psychologist. Chrissy is intelligent, fun, and irreverent. Her nemesis/love interest, Lieutenant Jack Rivera, is dark, brooding, and sexy as hell. Together, they keep me coming back for more.

So how about you? What are your favorite fashion and/or fiction trends? I’m giving away an Amazon Gift card to one much-appreciated commenter.

The romance between LA psychologist Christina McMullen and Lieutenant Jack Rivera is finally sizzling...until Chrissy catches the lieutenant in a compromising position. Still, when a vicious criminal from their past is released from prison, Rivera is willing to do whatever it takes to keep Chrissy safe--but does that include murder?

Despite sound advice from her best friend, Brainy Laney Butterfield, Chrissy is determined to clear Rivera's name. But first she'll have to tango with a quintet of sexy suitors and her own current beau, Doctor...what was his name again? And when Chrissy is attacked, the stakes become more dangerous than ever, for she's about to pop the lid on the most lucrative criminal enterprise in LA--and to the surprise of this shrink, more than one deep, dark secret is about to become uncorked.

Places to Purchase:


Lois will be giving away a special Amazon gift card to 1 lucky person. So make sure to leave her a comment and to fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck =)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Anonymous said...

Sorry to say, I've never read any of Lois' works. But Uncorked sounds very intriguing. I love stories of love gone wrong but then rights itself again! Good luck with the book! Also, my husband is from ND and I'm from MN where we live now, so some kinship there.

Sue P.

Robin said...

I fight the urge to wear stirrup pants and shoulder pads - yikes! I like the jackets that are fitted at the waist and flare out over the hips too. This series sounds good, I like action, humor and romance with a quirky female lead.


Lois Greiman said...

Anonymous, where do you live. We're probably neighbors. :)

Lois Greiman said...

When I sent the first of my Chrissy McMullen series to my agent, I sent a lot of other work too, when she called to tell me she wanted to represent the mystery I said, "That's one is the mystery?" I saw it as a kind of fun chicklit and still do. I mean, yeah, people keep dying (who doesn't like to kill people:)) but it still f eels like a quirky romance to me.

Anonymous said...

You're a new author to me so i'll have
to check out your book :)

Unknown said...

I haven't heard of Lois before, but thanks for drawing my attention to her stories!

I love wearing jeans with high heels, they make me feel sexy and casual at the same time :-) But I hate that everyone is wearing skinny jeans, when they are most certainly not flattering to everyone..

stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com

Lois Greiman said...

Thanks Regina. I really appreciate it.

Lois Greiman said...

Right?! I mean seriously! About 1% of the population looks skinny in skinny jeans. The rest of us...not so much.

Chrisbails said...

Lois is a new author for me and always looking for new books and authors to check out. This one looks great and would love to win and read.
My favorite fashion is scarves. I love to see others wearing them and have plenty of my own. My favorite book trends are paranormal romance and the take the author has on them. I love seeing what each author uses as their strengths and their weaknesses.
Thanks for the fun giveaway and the chance to win.

Na said...

I love the fashions trends of historical ball gowns. The visuals I've seen and imagined are so stunning. Being that I like jeans these trends are probably best admired but to experience wearing such a gown for a day, I'd feel so elegant. As for fiction trends I always enjoy a good reunion story no matter the genre.

Lois Greiman said...

I love paranormals too. I've written quite a few paranormal romance novels, such as the Witches of Mayfair series, and really love to read Jim Butcher and Charlaine Harris. Who are your favorites?

Lois Greiman said...

Right now I'm writing a coming home story (is that the same as a reunion?) for Kensington. The series is about a woman returning to her ranching roots in South Dakota. It's pretty close to my heart so I'm having a great time with it. I'm planning on doing a book trailer involving my own horses. Can't wait for spring.

Lisa B. said...

In fiction, I'm a fan of strong female characters. In fashion, I love me a great dress, something classic and timeless. I'm not much of a fashion risk taker, but I envy those who are. The classics are my fave.

Lois Greiman said...

I'm totally with ya. I actually based Crazy Chrissy (from Uncorked--and the first 6 novels) on a friend of mine who happens be a psychologist...and crazy. She's tough as nails, super bright, and really funny. It took me years before I realized I should write a book about her exploits.

Anne said...

I thought the series had ended (a tad abruptly) with Not One Clue. I'm shocked (but happy)to find out Uncorked has been released.

I'm not into fashion in anyway.

I'm a fan of urban fantasy trend. I like the strong female heroines.

Lois Greiman said...

Thanks Anne. Hope you enjoy.

Savannah said...

Oh god I'm horrible when it comes to fashion, most of my cloth's are black, my little sister use to yell at me I don't match :(, So i solved that problem!! I do have a favorite outfit though I have black fur boots that I wear over my ripped jeans (Ripped on purpose jeans, and a really cute pink sweater shirt. Sorry I know you asked about fashion I really am fashion-incompetent.

Thanks for the chance to win!

Lexie@BookBug said...

Well, I don't know what my favorite fashion or trend is but I know what is my absolute least favorite--I HATE skinny jeans!! They were only made for celebrities and models.

Dru said...

I'm just so happy that Christina is back.

No fashion trends...I just wear what is comfortable.

Lois Greiman said...

My daughter sometimes calls me Johnny Cash because of my many black ensembles. But I'm with you... no matches. It only makes sense.

Lois Greiman said...

Someone should definitely suffer for the invention of skinny jeans. They're just mean.

Lois Greiman said...

Thanks so much, Dru. I loooooooved reconnecting with her!

SolDucky said...

Fashion trend? Hmmm, I love the maxi dress trend!
soluckyducky at gmail dot com

Sue Sattler said...

My fashion trend would have to be anything without sticky handprints on it. With three grandkids under the age of 5 living with me, it seems they always want to be picked up when they are sticky. But sticky kisses are the best! I *hanging head* have never read any of your books yet, but I have now put them on my need to buy list.
proudarmymom32 at yahoo dot com

*yadkny* said...

My fav fashion trend is always a classic and seems to me to never go out of style... beat-up, worn-in pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and chucks:)

Mary Preston said...

I do have a hippy streak in that I love natural fibers & tie-dyed clothing.


bn100 said...

I like the long sweater with jeans and boots look.

Joanne said...

I just really like to be comfortable whether it be in jeans and t-shirts or being dressed up for a party. As long as I'm comfortable, I'm happy. This book sounds really intriguing. Can't wait to read it. thanks for the giveaway.


Doodle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Doodle said...

I love wearing jeans and a pair of high heels!

ELF said...

Thanks for sharing...sounds interesting. I also have lived long enough to watch the flared pants coming back into fashion although I only had a couple of pairs of bell bottoms.

Gwen LTP said...

I'm loving the adorable winter hats these days :) The ones that look like bears and other animals. Trendy , not sure - cute , yup.

Unknown said...

I like the whole bohemian look! I like flowing skirts and bangles. :) Thanks!

Anonymous said...

My favorite fashion was the Diane Furstenberg wrap-around dress of the 80's It looked good on all figure types and in most fabric designs. It was a stylish yet comfortable garment

Anonymous said...

I love that blazer! I love long flowy skirts.

theangrypollo{ AT }yahoo{DOT }com

Lois Greiman said...

Thanks Joanne.

My sense of fashion is generally dictated by what doesn't itch. :)

Lois Greiman said...

Right??? Love those hats.

traci16 said...

Great interview and OMG is it possible that we all owned a pair of shiny pants!? Mine were black, but I did have a pair!!! Also, stirrup pants with leg warmers(my daughters cringe)! Congrats on the book, sounds great!!!

Jeanne M said...

My favorite styles are classic and comfortable that stand the time of age (both style and my age!).

Somehow in the 60's I missed having the gene that made me shun tie-dye and ragged clothes! Needless to say my college friends had some good laughs over my "preppy" style. The difference is that I still have some of those "classic" styles in my closet and even better I can still fit in them and wear them! Talk about timeless fashion coming back into style - and I paid a lot less in the 1960's than they cost now and they were all MADE IN AMERICA!

Lois Greiman said...

Thanks, Traci. I have leg warmers too. But MY daughter stole them. Hmmmmm

Unknown said...

^Appreciate giveaway! Helps those like me on fixed income/SSI {perm/multi disabled: wheelchair/home-bound} who need & enjoy to read, attain books can't normally afford <3
^Style: Never have been one to wear something just cuz it's "In Fashion"...Since can remember, decided to always be "Me": Chose my own Path & Style Head to Shoes! Wear what I like & feel looks good on me! Like things that are different! Classic items, with addition of various accessories! Now, wheelchair-bound, must add comfort & ease of accessibility to my list...But, still Me!
^Fashion Proverb "If You're Old Enough to Have Worn It, Last Time It was in Fashion...You're Too Old to Wear It, This Time" LOL!

)0( Warmest Blessings )0(

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