
Sealed With a Kiss: Lila DiPasqua and Giveaway

At age fourteen, Lila’s best friend sneaked a romance novel out of her grandmother’s house. After devouring it, Lila was hooked on romance novels for life. Today she lives with her real-life hero husband and three children and is a firm believer in the happily-ever-after. She loves history and enjoys traveling. She has been to four continents so far. Weaving in interesting historical facts she discovers during her travels, Lila writes stories about historical alpha-heroes and the heroines who make them lose their hearts.

Places to find Lila:

A MIDNIGHT DANCE ( from the Fiery Tales series—steamy, romantic retellings of classic fairy tales, Berkley Sensation, Historical Romance) is a retelling of my favorite fairy tale of them all—Cinderella.

Our cinder-girl, Sabine Laurent has had a mad crush on the gorgeous heir of the Marquis de Blainville, Jules de Moutier, since she was fifteen and first spotted him at her father’s prestigious theatre. She’d dubbed him her “Dark Prince” because at nineteen he was tall, dark and oh so handsome.

Years later, her opinion of him as soured. The problem is, when they meet again as adults, Jules’s even more devastating to behold.

You see, Sabine blames her family’s ruin and dire straits on Jules and his family now. All she has to do is pose as a courtesan named Elise and feed him the tainted wine. She plans to use her acting skills in this seduction, and has enlisted the help of her eclectic blended family—which includes the balance of her late father’s acting troupe, and a “fairy godmother” in the form of a loveable, yet highly opinionated apothecary.

If only Jules’s tantalizing touch didn’t wreak such havoc on her senses. With a devilishly seductive “Prince Charming” like Jules, it’s not going to be easy for Sabine to snatch the silver. Add a healthy dose of intrigue, surprising twists, scandalous behavior, and a couple destined to be together, and you have A MIDNIGHT DANCE—a Cinderella story that is as steamy and exciting as it is romantic. Let the seduction begin!

This letter below is one Sabine would have written to Jules during the time she was a teen—when she was writing countless entries in her journal with about her beloved Dark Prince. (By the way, Jules does stumble across her journals years later. And he does read the touchingly tender entries about the Dark Prince she wrote so long ago. He just doesn’t know it’s about him. ;)

To my dearest Dark Prince,

I first beheld you when you attended Father’s comedy two weeks ago. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since. I will admit here, on these pages alone, that I was completely aquiver and hopelessly enthralled by your every moment.

Your smile shines brighter than the sun! Yet you looked through me, as one would the wind. I brushed past, but you did not see or feel me. How I ache for a look or a touch. Oh, heaven would be a kiss from your lips! Nothing on this side of the stars would be finer.

I must admit, I have never felt this way. Not ever! I have seen enough stolen kisses at the theatre. I am confident I can do it well. I am told you are beyond my reach. That I dream too grand. But aren’t dreams supposed to be grand? Alas, I am afflicted with a heart that won’t be reined in. It reaches out to you, my Dark Prince. I cannot wait until I am formally introduced to society. I have dreamed of that ball. And our dance. I will be the one in the golden-colored gown.

Yours forever,
Sabine Laurent

Check out Sabine and Jules love story in A MIDNIGHT DANCE.

Born into wealth, Sabine Laurent and her twin sister lived a life of luxury, their father’s prestigious theater frequented by royalty and aristocracy alike. And Sabine dreamed of her own prince charming—the devastatingly handsome Jules de Moutier.

That was before the loss of her sister and her family’s fall from grace—a disaster Sabine blames on the Moutier family. Now, with her father’s death, she’s inherited his sizable debt and the responsibility of caring for his spoiled long-time mistress and her two wastrel daughters. But with the help of Sabine’s eccentric friends—the balance of her father’s acting troupe—she plans to get very close to her old infatuation, seduce the rake—and make away with a fortune.

Resisting Jules’s skillful mouth and tantalizing touch is not as easy as Sabine supposed. And soon she must decide whether her desire for vengeance is greater than her desire for her one and only prince…

Places to Purchase: 

I’m excited to announce—Coming in April . . . UNDONE

The next in the Fiery Tales series!

Inspired by the tale of Rapunzel, Lila DiPasqua offers a new steamy, emotionally charged historical romance in the acclaimed Fiery Tales Series . . . Rescuing this beauty from the ‘tower’ is only the beginning . . .


Lila will be giving away a copy of A Midnight Dance to 1 lucky person (open to US and Canada). Make sure to leave a comment for Lila and fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter to win. 

Also, don't forget to head over to Not Another Romance Blog and check out Jules letter to Sabine.

**Don't forget to enter the Big Grand Prize Giveaway. Enter here.**

a Rafflecopter giveaway


chilosa2004 said...

would love to read this book

Monikarw said...

Loved the letter! Reminds me a little of my journal when I was a teenager, I still keep it and it has letters to this guy I had a crush on :) oh, the memories.. *sigh*
thanks Lila :*

Sharon D said...

Would love to read A MIDNIGHT DANCE. Thanks for the giveaway.

erin said...

Thanks for the great post and giveaway! This book sounds awesome! Definitely caught my interest ;)

Gena Robertson said...

Having grown up on fairy tales like Cinderella, I would love to read this story - it sounds wonderful and enchanting!
Thank you so much for the giveaway chance!

Gena Robertson

girlygirlhoosier52 said...

Great giveaway from a great author!! Thanks!

TiDubb said...

The book sounds awesome! Thanks for the giveaway!


Carl Scott said...

Fairy tales for grown-ups, why not? Thanks for hosting this event.

LilSherry said...

wow sounds very interesting. always love it when there is adult fairy tale stories

Tina B said...

I loved the letters they wrote to each other! This is on my TBR. I enjoy reading retelling of fairy tales and see other's spin on them. Thanks for the giveaway! :)

Johanna R Jochum said...

I can't wait to read this book! I love Lila's fairy tales! Thanks for sharing!


eyeballlucy said...

Yes...I really am excited about this romantic novel......can't wait to see the

misskallie2000 said...

Cinderella has been my fav book since I was 6 yrs old. I would love to read your spin of this great Fairy Tale.

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I can not wait for Undone!! Is it April yet, lol? I loved A Midnight Dance :)

June M. said...

I would love to win a copy of this book. And I can't wait for the new book, I have always loved Rapunzel.

Thank you so much for the wonderful giveaways!

bn100 said...

Your books are amazing! I'm looking forward to reading your newest one.

Lexi said...

Ah her Dark Prince, she is so young. I loved this letter, but even more I love that Sabine found her Dark Prince!!

AsianCocoa said...

Thank you for the giveaway.I've been wanting to read this one for awhile.

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway:D, always love cinderella retelling story. Looking forward to all of your fairytale retelling stories Lila. Happy valentine to you

Robin said...

This book looks excellent!

Lila DiPasqua said...

I'm so thrilled to be here! It was so much fun writing these love letters. Thank you for having me here!

chilosa2004--Thank you! I'm delighted by your interest! :)

Monikarw--LOL--I did the same thing! I had a diary filled with letters to a guy I had a crush on, but didn't have the courage to talk to! Thanks for stopping by and joining in the fun.

Sharon D--Thanks so much! Good luck! I hope you entered on both sites (this one and Not Another Romance Blog)to increase your chance at winning!

Erin--Thank you very much! I'm thrilled you think so!

Gena--Cinderella is wonderful. Isn't it? Definitely my favorite fairy tale. :)

girlygirlhoosier52---Awww, thank you! *blushes* You're so sweet! Hugs!

Tina (Queentutt's World of Escapism)--Thank you for the lovely compliment! :)

Carl--Thanks for joining in the fun!

LilSherry---Thanks so much! Glad you're stopped by! :)

Tina B---Thank you very much! Fairy tales are wonderful. We never seem to tire of them! :)

Johanna R Jochum--*waves* Hi Johanna! Thanks so much for the touching compliment! Hugs!

eyeballlucy--It's definitely a suspenseful book! And it's full of twists and surprises, too. Readers have told me that they gasped in surprise at the end. ;)

misskallie2000--We're kindred spirits, it seems! Cinderella was the first romance I fell in love with. :)

Lisa Wolff---Awww,thanks so much, dear Lisa! Just 2 months to go! Hugs! :)

June M.--I'm so thrilled you like Rapunzel!! I can't wait for the release of UNDONE. This story is very special to me. :)

bn100---Thank you! I'm delighted you said so. :)

Lexi--What a lovely comment! *muah* She did indeed. :)

AsianCocoa--Thank you for joining in! Best of luck with the giveaway!! :)

aretha--Wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day, too! I'm thrilled you stopping in! Hugs! :)

Lila DiPasqua said...

Robin--Thanks so much!! Good luck with the giveaway! :)

*yadkny* said...

I sooo want to read Lila's Fiery Tales Series... the stories sound life something I could really get lost in and those covers are gorgeous! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!!

Joanne said...

Sounds like a great book. I would love to read it. Great cover.


Na said...

Letters are always so sweet to read. Sometimes I come across them in books and they tell a story on their own :)

Tin Ong said...

I've read your first 2 books and I'm amazed by how you've creatively used fairy tales in your stories.

Looking forward to your next book!

Julia said...

That letter was so cute!! It reminds me of myself...

Thanks for much for the giveaway! I love fairy tale retellings! Looks forward to reading these!

Di said...

This is a wonderful book - really enjoyed it!

gamistress66 said...

such a sweet letter & love the cover for the next book

kiki w said...

Sounds like a Great Book. Would love to red it.

Unknown said...

so happy I saw this contest on twitter and I was able to get my name in. I would love to have that book!


LadyRed said...

What a wonderful letter! Thank you for your participation in this giveaway!

Caitlin said...

I'm so happy I saw this contest on Facebook!

Addictive Passions said...

Really cannot wait to read this book any way I can get it and then Undone in April!

Ora said...

I love all of your books and can't wait for Undone and Three Wishes. If you haven't read Midnight Dance yet you really are missing out. It's a wonderful story.

Julia said...

Love your books. Can't wait to read another.

Maureen said...

Cinderella was one of my favorite fairy tales and it looks like an interesting twist on it.

Tracey A. said...

Sounds like a really good read... Cant wait to read it!

ann alba said...

Waving Hi Lila.
I am so excited to get my wee hands on Undone I love the old tale of Rapunzel.
Have a good one Ann.

SusieB said...

Wow this book sounds pretty awesome! Can't wait to read it!

anme said...

I am a sucker for fairy tale retellings, and this sounds like a great twist on the theme. I'm quite curious to read this and check out what else you've done in this area.

eyeballlucy said...

I am soo excited about reading Lila DiPasqua's new book......'Midnight Dance'

Filia Oktarina said...

would love to read this book

Carol L. said...

Hi Lila,
Late as usual to the hop. The letter is so sweet and exactly what I'd have written as a teen. :) The cover of Undone is amazing. I love your books and your covers are awesome. Thanks for the giveaway Lila.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Mary @SweepingMe said...

Thanks for the great giveaway. I didn't realize till tonight that it was on both blogs. I would have been here sooner.


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