
Interview with Author Jillian Stone and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Jillian Stone. Jillian is currently on tour promoting her book The Seduction of Phaeton Black and has stopped by to answer some questions. Before we get to the questions, lets get to know all about Jillian.

Jillian Stone’s Victorian Romantic Suspense novel AN AFFAIR WITH MR. KENNEDY won the 2010 RWA Golden Heart and is the first novel in The Gentlemen of Scotland Yard series for Pocket Books. Her sexy, supernatural Steampunk novel, THE SEDUCTION OF PHAETON BLACK, won the 2010 Romance Through The Ages Erotica category and sold to Kensington Brava. Jillian lives in California and is currently working on the next adventure for both series.

Places to find Jillian:

First off, can you tell us a bit about you? 
In 2010, I won the RWA Golden Heart for An Affair with Mr. Kennedy and went from no agent or publisher to signing with Richard Curtis and being offered a three book contract by Pocket Books. That summer, I also won the erotica category of the 2010 Romance Through the Ages contest for The Seduction of Phaeton Black and was offered a three book contract by Kensington Brava. Needless to say, I have been busy writing books this past year and a half! I live in Southern California and am currently working on a special Pocket Star e-novella for The Gentlemen of Scotland Yard series.

Did you always want to be a writer? 
I think that I have always been a storyteller. And since I have lived and worked in the arts my whole life, my transition from an art director in advertising, to a fiction writer felt like a natural progression.

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter? Plotter. 
But I leave plenty of room for the characters to stretch and show me where they want to take the story. Occasionally we disagree and then guess who wins? :)

Where do your ideas come from? 
Muse, air, discussions with friends/other writers. I think it is difficult to analyze creativity. It comes from being relaxed enough to let ideas flow through my brain, and then every once in a while I spark to one of those musings and start making connections. Before I know it I have the makings of a scene, a character, sometimes an entire story!

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less. 
Absinthe drinking libertine and paranormal investigator, Phaeton Black is called in on a strange case by Scotland Yard. Along the way he meets America Jones, a cajun beauty he can't seem to shake, nor does he wish to!

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read? 
My favorite stories are suspenseful, imaginative, and involve a hero and heroine on an adventure together. I guess that is why I write romantic suspense! Zoe Archer is an author who writes a rip-roaring good adventure.

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it? 
I have several favorite books, but if I was forced to pick just one it would be Outlander, by Diana Gabaldon. For all the reasons I stated above.

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write? 
Angst ridden emotional scenes can take a lot of me. I have to dig down deep and not pull my punches. All that truth telling can be exhausting, though.

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why?
Diana Gabaldon, Anne Rice and Stephen King. Three of the best storytellers of our time!

Last question, are you working on anything right now? 
I am currently writing an e-novella for Pocket Star, then I'm on to book three in the Phaeton Black series, The Miss Education of Dr. Exeter.

Hold onto your knickers ladies, Phaeton Black has arrived!

He's the man with the magic touch. A master of deduction and other midnight maneuvers, Phaeton Black is Scotland Yard's secret weapon against things that go bump in the night. His prodigious gifts as a paranormal investigator are as legendary as his skills as a lover, his weakness for wicked women as notorious as his affection for absinthe. But when he's asked to hunt down a fanged femme fatale who drains her victims of blood, he walks right into the arms of the most dangerous woman he's ever known.

She's the devilish Miss Jones. Pressing a knife to his throat and demanding he make love to her––Miss America Jones uses Phaeton as a willing shield against the gang of pirates chasing after her. As dangerous as she is with a derringer tucked in her garter, Miss Jones is not the vampire killer Phaeton is stalking––but she may be just what he needs to crack the case. As the daughter of a Cajun witch, she possess uncanny powers. As a fearless fighter, she can handle anything from Egyptian mummies to Jack the Ripper. But when an ancient evil is unleashed on the world, she could be his only his salvation...or ultimate sacrifice.

Places to Purchase:

Check out the next book in the Phaeton Black series:
Click on cover for more info. 

Want to win some goodies from Jillian? Check out whats up for grabs

Up For Grabs:
  • 10 lucky winners from the ENTIRE tour will win themselves a copy of The Seduction of Phaeton Black
  • 1 lucky winner from the ENTIRE tour will win The Key to Phaeton's Heart Steampunk Necklace designed by Ula Kapala

To Enter:
  • Leave a meaningful comment or question for Jillian.  
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below.  


Victoria said...

Don't see the raffelecopter.

This looks like a great series. I rarely read anything but paranormal and this fits right in. Thank you.


Chrisbails said...

No rafflecopter. Thanks for the awesome giveaway. Great interview. Love the cover of this book and would love to win and read. Thanks for the giveaway.

Di said...

No Rafflecopter
These steampunk stories are intriguing & so immaginative - thanks for the giveaway.
sallans d at yahoo dot com

lavendersbluegreen said...

Oh my, that necklace is incredible! I am going to try and make something similar! Thanks for the interview and giveaway!
- lavendersbluegreen(at)yahoo(dot)com

Jeanne M said...

Jillian -

I've been following you and I must have kept out of sight because this is the 2nd "tour" of yours I've been following around (or you just may have been "visiting" different sites and I was wandering behind you).

Anyway you might want to contact Phaeton and let him it's just me and not a stalker going after you. It's actual Phaeton I'm interested in (but don't let him know because you know how men can get when they think we may be thinking about "other things".

Of course I might be able to stop tracking you if I could just win a copy of The Seduction of Phaeton Black! Maybe if I finally get a chance to find out what happened after all those teasing information you gave us I could leave you alone!

Who knows, if I can't win this time you might just see me again soon!

Jillian Stone said...

Hey everyone,

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. What can I say? I hope you all get a chance to read The Seduction of Phaeton Back. But as I warn everyone, Phaeton is quite the package and knows it! In fact, it takes three books in the series to tame this devilish hero and even then...

Ula Kapala makes the most beautiful and unique jewelry pieces. To see more, here's her Etsy link:

Jeanne M I think Phaeton would be quite intrigued by you.

Kerry said...

I fell in love with Devon Monk's work and steampunk just fell into place - love it!!

donnas said...

Im still fairly new to steampunk. But its fun and interesting and different so I am really enjoying it.

Filia Oktarina said...

I wanna reading this book!!!
Love the cover book to :)

Pamk said...

Steampunk seems a natural following with my love of paranormal books. And I was right I love both genres.

Unknown said...

i want to read and win this books.
thanks for the chance ^^


Anonymous said...

this is awesome!! Can't wait to read it.

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