
Guest Post with Author Patricia Eimer and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Patricia Eimer to RFTC. Patricia is celebrating the release of Devil May Care, book 2 in her Speak of the Devil series and has stopped by to chat. Please give Patricia a warm welcome.

I'm a small town girl who was blessed with a large tree in the backyard that was a perfect spot for reading on summer days. Mixed with too much imagination it made me a bratty child but fated me to become a storyteller. After a stint of “thinking practically” in my twenties I earned degrees in Business and Economics and worked for a software firm in southwestern Germany but my passion has always been a good book. I currently lives in Pittsburgh with my two wonderful kids and a husband that learned the gourmet art of frozen pizzas to give me more time to write. When I'm not writing I can be found fencing and arguing with my dogs about plot points. Most days the Beagle wins but the Dalmatian is in close second. I'm in a distant third.

Places to find Patricia:

And strangely enough it completely changed how I wrote sex scenes. No seriously. Last month fellow Entangled author Boone Brux wrote a hilarious editorial for RT Book Reviews (link) about how she writes sex scenes and it got me thinking about my own writing process in the clinch as it were. That’s when I realized that how I wrote sex scenes in my first three manuscripts are completely different from how I write them now. Why is that? Because I once got stuck in a Washington DC elevator with a group of hookers.
First, for all you doubters—this is actually a true story. When I was working a full time corporate job I was sent to a training class in DC and the hotel we were booked in—downtown—was unique. Like the walls between the bathroom shower and the bedroom were only frosted glass and instead of a Bible brought to you by your friends the Gideon’s the bedside table had a selection of various flavored condoms.

When my work partner and I met up for dinner and a beer we both agreed that it was odd to say the least and hey, did you notice that guy in the lobby? Didn’t he look like that senator you always see on CNN?

Short answer—according to the bellboy yep that was him and no I won’t say who because hello? Hotel with assorted flavors of condoms and frosted glass showers and I’m pretty sure the redhead was not his lovely wife.

Anyway, so we both have a few beers and a giggle then head back to our rooms. The next morning I’m up early to get a run in before our training seminar, so I throw on some sweats, hop in the elevator and I’m surrounded by lovely ladies all dressed to the nines in business suits with full faces of makeup. At 530 in the morning.

Which is awkward to say the least.

Then, a blonde near the front looks at me skeptically and asks “Who is your pimp? Because mine would kick my ass if I left a room in sweats.”

My response? “Um, uh, well, uh, um,” swallow “holy Christ I’m not a hooker.”

“Really? Well you’re the only person in this elevator who isn’t then.”

“OMG Really?”

Group Chorus: “Yep.”

“Wow, okay do any of you have the time for me to take you out for coffee or something because I’m a part time writer and I have a ton of questions.”

“Like what?” An older brunette asked.

“Like do you get health insurance and a 401K and OMG is it weird you know, getting naked around old guys?”

“Not really?” Blonde from the beginning replied.

“What if they’re like pot bellied and bald?”

“Close your eyes and think of George Clooney.” Brunette answered.

“Or Brad Pitt,” a gorgeous Asian woman suggested.

“Oh, I always liked fantasizing about him.” A petite brunette agreed. “What it comes down to though is that it’s just a job. Once you get through all the contortionist acts it really is just Tab A inserted into either Slot A, B or C.”

“Slots A, B, or C?” I asked nervously as the elevator continued to drop from my room on the 21st floor and stopped at every single floor to pick up more hookers.

Eyebrows raise in reply.

“Oh. Right. So it’s just a job?”

“Like filing papers but the pay is better,” another agreed.

“And what about retirement?” I asked as the doors finally slid open onto the lobby.

“Oh please,” brunette #2 replied. “Everybody in this business is sleeping with at least one financial advisor.”

“I’ve got two,” the blonde piped up. “That way I can bounce ideas off of both of them.”

So that’s the lesson I learned that day and it’s changed how I write sex scenes. In the end no matter how complicated you make the build up—sex comes down to paper dolls. Insert Tab A into the appropriate slot and everyone’s happy. Usually.

And as far as the financial advisor thing? I have no idea but I think it’s safe to assume you can probably take an elevator full of hookers collective word for it.

Weddings are hell…...

After a month of planning not one, but two, demonic weddings, all Faith Bettincourt—the youngest Crown Princess of Hell—wants is to spend some quality time with her angelic boyfriend, Matt. But when a ghost from Matt’s past walks through Faith’s apartment door, her preoccupation with the weddings from Hell is all that’s keeping her from turning his ex, in all her devious angelic glory, into a down throw pillow.

Which is about when Matt’s zealous mother declares war on Faith’s family.

Now Faith will stop at nothing to stop the craziness and make sure the impending nuptials go off without a hitch. All she’s got to do is rescue one of the grooms and go up against an army of so-called do-gooders, and everything will go back to normal. Or as normal as it can be where the Devil's spawn is concerned. With any luck, she might just be able to resuscitate her love life while she's at it.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble |

Click for info.

Check out whats up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 lucky winner from the ENTIRE tour will win a $50 Gift Card
  • 1 lucky winner from the ENTIRE tour will win a Devil May Care Prize Pack (US ONLY)

To Enter:
  • Please leave a comment/question for Patricia
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form

Good Luck =)
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Rebe said...

This is a cute series! The first book was soooo funny!

Rita Wray said...

The hookers in the elevator story was very funny. The book sounds great, can't wait to read it.

Patricia Eimer said...

Thanks for having me today

Anonymous said...

Your blog post cracked me up, Patricia! :-D

Marcy Shuler

Unknown said...

Sounds and looks like a very interesting read.

sheryl said...

Great series! Thanks for the chance

lorimeehan said...

Thank you for the giveaway chance.

June M. said...

Great post! That would definitely be an experience that would stand out in your life, and I would agree that you could probably take the collective advise about financial planners :)

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