
ARC Review: Kissing the Maid of Honor by Robin Bielman

I have never read a book by Robin Bielman before, but after reading the blurb I knew I had to read this one. This book definitely did not disappoint and I really enjoyed reading Sela and Luke's Story. I found this story to be sweet and romantic and filled with extremely likable characters. I felt like I was drawn into the story immediately and not only connected to Luke and Sela, but also to the supporting characters as well.

Luke is a sports photographer who left their small town of Cascade to make a name for himself and pursue his love of action. When he returns to Cascade for the wedding of his little sister Vanessa, he is brought face to face with Sela, his little sister's best friend. Sela also happens to be his best friend's little sister, and although they once shared a kiss in a kissing booth that rocked his world, he has always considered her off limits. In order to not let on how he felt at the time, he reacted as a typical teenager would and horribly embarrassed Sela. Sela wants nothing to do with Luke and agrees to put aside her dislike for him in order to be the best maid of honor she can be for Vanessa, but as Luke and Sela are thrown together more and more for wedding plans, neither one of them can fight the attraction they feel.

I really loved how Luke and Sela had known each other most of their lives, and it wasn't your typical enemies to lovers type of story. The chemistry was off the charts even though the love scenes were only alluded to. I really loved seeing Luke and Sela both grow as individuals and as a couple. This story was a fast read for me as I didn't want to put it down. The author did a wonderful job of telling a complete and in depth story, and I will be looking forward to more stories from her in the future.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Robin Bielman said...

Hi Casey! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing KTMOH! I'm so happy you enjoyed it! :)

Casey said...

Hi Robin! I really did enjoy reading this book and thought it was great! I'm looking forward to reading the next one! :)

Kathleen O said...

I have not read any of Robyn Bielman's books, but I think I will be putting this on my TBR list..

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