
ARC Review: Straddling The Edge by Julie Prestsater

In STRADDLING THE EDGE, book #3 of the Against the Wall series, Julie Prestsater has the formidable task of turning much-reviled, man-stealing/homewrecking ‘ho Summer McGallian into someone likeable and that readers feel deserves a HEA. I must admit that, despite the effort Ms. Prestsater put into making Summer unlikeable in the previous two books—‘stealing’ (and then putting up with) Shelly’s ex-fiancé Chase, strutting around the halls of Carver High looking like she just stepped off the cover of Vogue, and being particularly snooty to Melissa (who’s generally crass as hell, but hilarious)—I actually liked her and was looking forward to her story. I knew there was a reason for the clothes and the attitude and the presumed man-stealing, and in STRADDLING THE EDGE, we get to learn about all of her insecurities and how she’s been repeatedly made to feel like she needs to change and be someone else in order to be accepted.

After the realisation that Chase is an absolute wanker (which everyone else has known for ages) and the arrival of the summer holidays, we get to witness Summer take off the glamour-girl holier-than-thou façade and become her romance-reading, baseball-loving, beer-drinking, dressed-down true self. She’s really just a regular gal with body image insecurities who’s had bad experiences with men and finds herself with no true friends and the victim of several (untrue) rumours. I liked her before, and while I felt that the transition from her school persona to her real self happened instantaneously (it was seriously like “school’s over; time to stop being the (presumed) byatch!”), I really admired the courage it took to go to Shelly and Melissa—who’d done nothing but disparage her—to apologise and explain the truth behind how she and Chase got together. Watching Summer become part of the Shelly & Melissa comedy show is great fun and will leave you feeling all warm and fuzzy because it personifies the “don’t judge a book by its cover” adage. With people.

I know I’ve said that Matt and Tyler are essentially perfect, but Dean Michaels would wipe the floor with both of them. The man is way too perfect for real life, but I’d absolutely make him my book boyfriend. From the moment he randomly meets Summer at her favourite bar (despite both of them teaching at Carver High), he’s protective of her without being overbearing, sees the real her, and knows just how to treat her to help her overcome her insecurities. He truly listens, plans all sorts of amazing surprises for her, apologises when he makes a snap error in judgement, AND is super hot and an amazing lover. Where do I sign up for a Dean of my own?? Their love story was a bit too sweet for my tastes—I was seriously tempted to check for cavities after reading—and decidedly devoid of drama, but it works beautifully if you like your romances of the adorably cute variety. The best part of Dean & Summer’s blossoming relationship: the meet-the-parents scenes. Both sets of parents are so hilariously inappropriate and adept at embarrassing their adult children that I seriously want to be like them when I grow up. Excellent comic relief to temper some of the sweetness.

As with the previous two books, the narrative is from the point of view of the heroine with chapters from Shelly’s and Melissa’s POVs sprinkled in, so we get to keep up with the happenings in the other couples’ lives and the burgeoning friendship between all of them. The writing has the same polish and mixture of heat and humour as BETWEEN THE SHEETS, with plenty of laugh-out-loud moments but without the immaturity of AGAINST THE WALL. With the short length, the transition from strangers to forever after happens very quickly, but it works well enough for these two characters and makes it easy to read in one sitting.

Overall, STRADDLING THE EDGE is great addition to the Against the Wall series; nothing mindblowing, but another humorous, adorable, drama-free journey to a HEA. Definitely worth a read if you’ve enjoyed the other books in the series (especially if you found yourself disliking Summer), and if you like your romances super sweet. Ms. Prestsater’s next challenge is turning Chase from complete knob to hero in her next novel, and I’m intrigued to see how she manages that.

**ARC provided by Author's Taproom**

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