
Feature and Giveaway: Secret Maneuvers by Jessie Lane

Some mistakes from the past haunt us forever... unless fate steps in with a second chance.

One 'dear John' letter haunts Bobby Baker's every living moment. It’s the letter he stupidly wrote to his high school sweetheart, Belle, right after he left to join the Army. The letter that he told her that he wasn't so sure if they were ready for forever yet. But before he can let her know that the letter, and his second thoughts, are nothing but a mistake, she up and disappears from the small Georgia town they were both raised in.

Fifteen years later, Belle unknowingly walks back into Bobby's life when her job as an ATF Agent forces her to work with a group of men secretly headed by the CIA to help her track down whoever is involved in funneling black market weapons to a drug cartel in Mexico.

Bobby will use this mission to try and soothe Belle's hurt feelings while proving to her that their love is still meant for forever. He'll use every dirty trick he's learned since he joined the Army to maneuver her back into his life for the long haul. But Belle's not making it easy as she keeps him at arm's length in the hopes that mistakes of her own never come to light.

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Excerpt for Bobby’s Mission Dossier Guest Post
From Chapter One

As the eight men around me rustled papers from their dossiers and prepared to leave, I sat there dumbstruck. Belle just walked in and out of this room without acting like she knew me. A fury of wounded, male pride flooded my senses. I’d be damned if she thought she was going to get away like that! Standing abruptly, my chair loudly clattered to the floor as I rushed out the door to follow her. My neck started to itch from the curious stares of my colleagues, but I didn’t care what the hell they thought as I slowly jogged out into the hall after her.

“Belle!” She kept walking without acknowledging me. What the hell? “Belle! Wait up!” As Boyd stopped to turn at my approaching footsteps, confusion on his face, I reached out to grab Belle’s arm with my right hand to stop her. Two seconds later, a shot of pain flashed up my arm as I found my hand pulled backwards and bent at a nearly debilitating angle. Belle’s beautiful face stared back at me with bitter disdain. Anger simmered in her green eyes so fiercely, I felt the impact of it to the soles of my boots.

Boyd stepped forward to stand between us just as she released my hand and then held her other hand up to ward Boyd off from interfering. “Mr. Baker, I’ll kindly ask you not to grab me. While you’re at it, please refrain from calling me Belle. I go by Annabelle. Now, if you’ll excuse me and my partner, we have things to do before tonight’s meeting.” Belle turned away and walked confidently down the hallway while Boyd gawked at me with open curiosity. With a shake of his head, he jogged after Belle, who had turned the corner, already disappearing from sight.

Standing there, feeling a myriad of emotions—shock, anger, confusion—I watched as the only girl who had ever held my heart did her damndest to walk out of my life; acting like she didn’t give a shit as she did it. It felt like a sucker punch to the gut by a heavy-weight boxing champ. Apparently, fifteen years hadn’t calmed the obvious anger or pain she harbored from the letter that haunted me. The letter I should have never written. She didn’t even bother to give me five minutes to try and explain. To tell her that just two weeks after her receiving that letter, I’d had my parents desperately searching the entire fucking county for her, with strict instructions to tell her that I’d realized my mistake. To explain to her that I was stupid. Really, really stupid. And sorry. So fucking sorry.

A hand slapped down on my shoulder. I looked over my shoulder to see that it belonged to Declan, which meant that his brother, Riley, was the body standing on the other side of me. “I take it that’s the famous Belle? The sweet, southern angel from home that got away?” Declan asked.

With a gruff voice, I answered, “Yeah. That’s her, alright.”

Riley snorted. “Well, brother, looks as if your angel is gone in more ways than one.”

Jessie Lane is the writing team of Crystal Leo and Melissa Pahl. The two sisters-in-law share a passionate love of naughty romance, cliff hanging suspense, and out-of-this-world characters that demand your attention, or threaten to slap you around until you do pay attention to them. Because really, it is ALL about the characters. (They're kind of megalomaniacs - but don't tell them that we said that.)

Their first YA novel, The Burning Star, was released in May 2012. Big Bad Bite is their second novel, but their first adult paranormal romance, and was released in January 2013. Their third book, Secret Maneuvers, releases on June 15, 2013, and will be the start of a new adult contemporary romance series (Ex Ops Series). They are now working on their next three novels, Walk On The Striped Side (Big Bad Bite Series #2), Stripping Her Defenses (Ex Ops Series #2), and The Frozen Star (YA Star Series #2).

With these projects underway, they are looking forward to showing the rest of the world their crazy stories, heroes and heroines that often plague their minds until written, and hope you will join them on their journey!

Places to find Jessie Lane:
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kathy p said...

love the sound of this book! Thanks for the giveaway!

books4me said...

Seth from Shannon McKenna's Behind Closed Doors. YUM!


books4me said...

There are so many authors that write military romance that I LOVE: Shannon McKenna, Suzanne Brockmann, Maya Banks, Cindy Gerard, Jaci Burton, the list goes on but these are my favorites!


Stormy Vixen said...

Thanks for the giveaway. Great Excerpt. I am looking forward to reading this book. Maya Banks, Lora Leigh.

lorimeehan said...

Maya Banks and Lora Leigh.

Casey said...

I really love Nathan from Lora Leigh's Wild Card! One of my favorite book boyfriends ever!!!

Marcy Meyer said...

I love all the MacKenzie's from Liliana Hart's MacKenzie series. Very strong, alpha males from the military. yum

Unknown said...

I just finished Secret Maneuvers and can't say enough about it. It was amazing! I loved every page, sentence, word.

joye said...

Your book sounds great. I have enjoyed reading the Suzanne Brockmann books with military heroes in them. I also liked those characters in Dee Davis and Maya Banks books.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy military heroes and military romance books. Can't say who my favorite one at the moment.

strive4bst(AT) yahoo(Dot) com

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