
Guest Post with Author Kathy Lyons and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Kathy Lyons to RFTC. Kathy is currently on tour promoting her newest release, Dream Nights with the CEO and has stopped by to chat. Please give Kathy a warm welcome.

Kathy Lyons is the fun, contemporary side of USA Today Bestselling author Jade Lee. She loves sassy romance with lots of laughter and sex. Spice is the variety of life, right? Okay, so maybe two kids, two cats, two pennames, and writing over 40 books has messed with her mind, but she still keeps having fun. And in her new Dream Nights series couples share erotic dreams that lead to a sizzling reality. Check her out at Or hang out with her sexy historical half, Jade Lee. Titled heroes with dark secrets are Jade’s passion. Especially when they fall for women who add more than just spice to their lives.

Places to find Kathy: 
| Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter

What Lusting after Cover Models can do for your Career... 

I love going to the Romantic Times convention every year. And it’s possible that I have spent a little time with the cover models. I also am very good friends with Kim Killion of Hot Damn Designs, so I have attended a couple cover shoots and been able to hang out with the talent. (It’s a rough life, but someone’s got to do it!)

RT does a good job of separating the models from the general public for obvious reasons. They are an attractive lot and my hotel room wasn’t even on the same floor as the guys. (Yes, I have been known to pout about that). However, that didn’t stop my imagination from creating all sorts of lovely scenarios. I am a writer, after all, and I could think of a zillion situation where I was somehow forced–forced I say!–to hang out longer with some of those very wonderful and handsome guys.

By why stop there? my imagination asked. Answer: I’m a happily married woman. I can fantasize as well as the next woman, but there are limits. Oh wait! Apparently, there aren’t. Because I imagined DREAMING hot scenarios with those guys. You can’t control your dreams, can you? And if things got hot and bothered in my dreams, then it’s not my fault. Blame my subconscious.

And right there is how the Dream Nights Series got started. I’ve created a B&B where the two people who sleep in room 1 and room 2 share their dreams. They can be strangers or, in Dream Nights with the CEO, they’re a boss and his assistant. Both are career minded professionals, and so their secret desires for each other have been very secret. But in their dreams, they can be as wild as whatever my imagination could dream up. And I have a very wild imagination!

So that’s the premise, here comes the surprise. I had no idea that the dreams would be so funny. My hero has a love of comic books, and the heroine likes horror movies. Between the two, I ended up with funny set ups – in the park alone at night only to be attacked by the Blob! Of course the superhero saves her, but oops! all her clothes have been eaten away! Another dream has the heroine as a super villainess who captures then interrogates our poor superhero. Trust me, they’re both great scenes. Especially the one where our heroine is trapped in a prison of deadly rocky road ice cream (her comfort food of choice) and our hero has to rescue her.

The good news is that you can read excerpts. They’re at random places on the web (this is a blog tour, after all) or just hop over to my website and check it out.

Hotel chain CEO and millionaire Wyatt Monroe is a stick in the mud. Sure, he's hot as sin, even with the tie, but free-spirited assistant Megan Bradford refuses to jeopardize their perfect working relationship. Why mess that up with sex? She knows he's the love 'em and leave 'em type, and she's determined to find a family man.

Wyatt would never cross the line between boss and employee with Megan, no matter how hard it might be to resist the temptation. But when they visit a mysterious B&B in a bid to acquire the property, he starts having erotic dreams about the sexy brunette that make it hard to resist her in daylight.

Soon the line between reality and dreams further blurs when they learn they were sharing the same erotic dreams…

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs For Entire Tour:
  • 1 lucky winner will win a Kathy Lyons/Jade Lee prize pack + Dream Jewelery

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment/question for Kathy.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Sue G. said...

What a fun and original idea for a book. Looks very entertaining.

kathy p said...

what a great giveaway!

Mary Jo Burke said...

Love Jade Lee's books!

Kathleen O said...

Jade Lee is a new to me author, but I think I am going to love her books.

Andrew said...

That is an awesome and original idea! :D

lorimeehan said...

I really enjoyed this book and I'm looking forward to the next in the series. I highly recommend you read this book.

jmcgaugh said...

This sounds like a really fun book; I love the superhero/monster aspect.

Meghan said...

This sounds great! Thanks for the giveaway!

Texas Book Lover said...

What a great giveaway! This book sounds great. It'll be fun watching this stick in the id come crumbling down.

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