
Interview with Author Mimi Jean Pamfiloff and Giveaway

Meet Mimi Jean Pamfiloff, author of Vampires Need Not Apply.

Before taking up a permanent residence in the San Francisco Bay Area, Mimi spent time living near NYC (became a shopaholic), in Mexico City (developed a taste for very spicy food), and Arizona (now hates jumping chollas, but pines for sherbet sunsets). Her love of pre-Hispanic culture, big cities, and romance inspires her to write when she’s not busy with kids, hubby, work, and life…or getting sucked into a juicy novel. OR...HOSTING the MAN CANDY SHOW on! She hopes that someday leather pants for men will make a big comeback and that her writing might make you laugh when you need it most. - See more at:

Places to find Mimi:
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A la Twitter style, please describe your book in 140 characters or less.
Sexy Spaniard physicist gets tangled with deadliest goddess in existence. But will it be his heart or his body that takes a licking?

What types of scenes are your most favorite to write?
By far, I love to write banter scenes! Generally, between the hero and heroine. Those provide juicy tension, which they get to release much later! Fun!

If you could have dinner with any three authors (alive or dead), who would you choose and why?
  • Do the folks who wrote the Mayan codices (Popol Vuh) count? Because I have to say, that is the most trippy, imaginative, bonkers stuff I’ve ever read! Seriously, there’s no way to even describe it. Animals popping out of mud? Skulls impregnating goddesses? I’m wondering if they weren’t on LSD. In any case, I would love to find out what their process was!
  • #2 on my list would be JJ Abrams. Okay, he’s not really an author-author, but he is a screen play writer. Folks who know me, know that I was really into the show Lost when I begin writing my first book. What I love about his stuff is how he twists everything on its head. So, I guess I’d love to learn how he gets inspired to weave love, action, twisty plots, and create something holistically entertaining.
  • #3 is Stephan King. I know. I know. I sound like a cliché. But hear me out! I’m NOT a huge fan of his books. Yes, I like some. And like most humans on the planet, I’ve seen some of the movies or series based on his books. Yes, I super-enjoyed them. But, I’m really a Romance fan, so he doesn’t fit the bill. That said, I really enjoyed his book, On Writing. It was therapeutic for me in many ways, the primary aspect being that it validated my own process. So, I would love to have dinner with him and pick his brain! Ahhh…the questions I’d have for that man!

What are you favorite types of stories to read?
Ones with a beginning, middle, and end? Just kidding! I love stories that surprise me! I love stories where the hero is a bit of an a-hole and ultimately redeems himself. I want to teeter on the edge of hating him and wanting him in my bed. And I love stories where the characters are real—flawed, irrational, emotional…human! But I also love quirky and funny!

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
My last and final book for Accidentally Yours, ACCIDENTALLY…OVER? Boo hoo hoo. But I really hate series that go on and on and on. It’s good to end with momentum!

Meet Dr. Antonio Acero. Heir to Spain’s wealthiest family, world-renowned physicist, and dedicated bachelor. While on vacation in southern Mexico, Antonio discovers an ancient Mayan tablet. Local legends say it contains magical properties, properties that could put his stalling research on the map.

But is this really his lucky break?

When Antonio attempts to put the tablet to use, he'll discover that Fate has other plans. Her name is Ixtab, and she’s quite possibly the deadliest deity who ever lived.

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Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Forever Romance for sponsoring this giveaway.
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Meghan said...

I have a question for Mimi. What made you want to write about vampires? What drew you to them?
Thanks for the giveaway, by the way.

Unknown said...

Love Mimi's books! One of my favorite authors. I am currently reading Accidentially..Evil!. Loving it. I am so sad that this series is coming to an end. I guess I will have to do some rereading.

Unknown said...

Lovely book cover and very interesting description of the story.

Unknown said...

Hi Meghan! For me, vampires and gods are equally sexy. Strong, superhuman, and they live forever! I think that speaks to a lot of women who worry about the day when the inevitable will come to pass. In paranormal romance, the love never ends, the hero never gets old and will never die. (Most of the time.) That makes them the perfect hero to write about...:) Cheers! Mimi

Vickie said...

ooo I don't have this one yet *wink wink*

batty8ash said...

Hi Mimi! Proud to be a #farmerunicorn :) love you books #1 stalker oh wait I mean fan *wink wink*

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