
Check out the Embrace Line from Entangled Publishing + Giveaway

Meet the authors of Entangled Publishing's Embrace Line.

Ophelia London was born and raised among the redwood trees in beautiful northern California. Once she was fully educated, she decided to settle in Florida, but her car broke down in Texas and she's lived in Dallas ever since. A cupcake and treadmill aficionado (obviously those things are connected), she spends her time watching arthouse movies and impossibly trashy TV, while living vicariously through the characters in the books she writes.

Places to find Ophelia:

Mary Duncanson, who also writes as Mary Malcolm, lives in North Texas with a menagerie of animals and feral roommates. She is currently looking to adopt a husband, preferably housebroken, preferably as silly as her. When she’s not corraling her household, she’s talking to the characters in her head and hoping they talk back. When she’s not doing all that, she can be found wandering around Central Market with a happy, drooly foodie look on her face. Do not judge her, it is her Mecca.

Mary’s been writing since she was a teenager though spent quite a few years studying toward becoming a doctor before she realized she wanted to be a full-time author. Unfortunately, the people who own her student loans still want to be paid for the years they supported her medical dreams. Mary lives on a steady diet of coffee and chocolate and believes, like Eleanor Roosevelt, that people should believe in the beauty of their dreams. She also believes people should ignore the word should because really, it’s kind of a judgmental word. Mary dreams of one day living as a full-time, well paid novelist (hint, hint) and also of one day traveling to Chile to pay homage to her soul mate, Pablo Neruda.

Places to find Mary:

Once upon a time, Kelley York was born in central California. And it's there she still resides with her lovely wife, step-daughter, and an abundance of cats, while fantasizing about moving to England or Ireland. She has a fascination with bells and animals, is a lover of video games, Doctor Who, manga and anime, and likes to pretend she’s a decent photographer. Her life goal is to find a real unicorn. Or at least write about them.

Kelley is a sucker for dark fiction. She loves writing twisted characters, tragic happenings, and bittersweet endings that leave you wondering and crying. Character development takes center stage in her books because the bounds of a person's character and the workings of their mind are limitless.

Her first book, HUSHED, was released by Entangled Publishing in December 2011. Her second and third books, HOLLOWED and SUICIDE WATCH, were released in 2012, and her next Entangled book, MADE OF STARS, is slated for October 1st, 2013. Visit Kelley via her

Places to find Kelley:

JUS ACCARDO spent her childhood reading and learning to cook. Determined to follow in her grandfather’s footsteps as a chef, she applied and was accepted to the Culinary Institute of America. At the last minute, she realized her path lay with fiction, not food, and passed on the spot to pursue writing. Jus is the bestselling author the popular Denazen series from Entangled publishing and is currently working on the first book in a new adult series due out summer 2013. A native New Yorker, she lives in the middle of nowhere with her husband, three dogs, and sometimes guard bear, Oswald.

Places to find Jus:

Best Thing about Writing Romance

Romance is written to let people revisit the feelings they most love. It’s been said, over and over, there are no original stories. But that’s okay. Especially for romance readers. It isn’t the original, groundbreaking book most of them are after, but rather the new telling of an old tale...that sense of familiar with the unbalance of not knowing exactly how this author is going to tell their favorite tale. I’ve heard it before, “I really wanted to love that book...but couldn’t.” The reason they picked up the book in the first place wasn’t because it was about something new, but rather something they already loved. But, the author didn’t live up to their expectations.

The best thing about writing romance is that there are so many different stories out there to tell. So even if a certain story doesn’t fit what your audience was looking for, there is another one waiting out there to be told. Romance gives people an outlet to revisit the familiar without making it mundane. It also gives readers an outlet in which to project their fantasies, even if just for a bit. A lonely, single author in Fort Worth, Texas (not that I’m talking about myself – I swear!) probably doesn’t want to read a book about a lonely, single author in Fort Worth, Texas. But, that author would probably love a book about a lonely, single bookstore owner in New York who somehow catches the attention of an equally lonely millionaire whose store just happens to be competing with hers for business. OMG, I Loved that story!

Romance authors get to give readers that OMG moment every day. If a reader can relate to a character on a base level, that same reader will overlook a lot of flaws because they want the book to succeed. It’s almost as if, as a romance author, we have a cheering section rooting for us before we type our first words. Now that’s pretty awesome.

Spring Honeycutt wants two things: to ace her sustainable living thesis and to save the environment. Both seem hopelessly unobtainable until her college professor suggests that with a new angle, her paper could be published. Spring swears she’ll do whatever it takes to ensure that happens.

“Whatever it takes,” however, means forming a partnership with the very hot, very privileged, very conceited Henry Knightly.

Henry is Spring's only hope at publication, but he's also the über-rich son of a land developer and cash-strapped Spring’s polar opposite. Too bad she can't help being attracted to the way he pushes her buttons, both politically and physically. As they work on her thesis, Spring finds there's more to Henry than his old money and argyle sweaters…but can she drop the loud-and-proud act long enough to let him in? Suddenly, choosing between what she wants and what she needs puts Spring at odds with everything she believes in.

Definitely, Maybe in Love is a modern take on Pride and Prejudice that proves true love is worth risking a little pride.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

It’s hard not to answer when trouble comes knocking

A girl who can’t forget…

Twenty-two-year-old Lucy Carver is like Sherlock Holmes in ballet flats, but her eidetic memory is more albatross than asset, and something she usually keeps hidden. When she notices that something’s amiss at her dead-end job, she jumps at the chance to finally use her ability for good. That is, until, a man is murdered, and she becomes the target of the killer.

A detective on his first case…

Detective Eli Reyes is overbearing, pompous, way too hot for Lucy’s own good, and seems as determined to ruin her relationship with her boyfriend, John, as finding the murderer. He brings Lucy in on the case, thinking she can help him get to the truth, only to cut her loose when he realizes he’s gotten far more than he ever bargained for.

A past that won’t go away…

When memories from her childhood invade her present, Lucy discovers a mystery bigger than she could have imagined. With the killer still after her, and Eli nowhere to be found, she takes things into her own hands, determined to expose the truth no matter what—before trouble comes knocking…again.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

He’s loved her. Killed for her. Yet he may not be able to save her.

Eighteen-year-old Archer couldn’t protect his best friend, Vivian, from what happened when they were kids. Since then, he’s never stopped trying to shelter her from everything else. It doesn’t matter that Vivian only uses him when skipping from one toxic relationship to another. Archer is always there, reeled in and tossed out, waiting to be noticed.

Then Evan Bishop breezes into town with a warm smile and calming touch, and Archer can’t deny his attraction to him. Evan is the only person who keeps him around without a single string attached. And the harder Archer falls for Evan, the more he sees Vivian for the manipulative hot-mess she really is.

But Viv has her hooks in deep, and once she finds out Archer’s dark secret, she threatens to expose the truth if she doesn’t get what she wants. And what she wants is for him to end his relationship with Evan...permanently.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble |

Hell is looking for a way to break loose…

Jax lost the genetic lottery. Descended from Cain, the world's first murderer, he's plagued by a curse that demands violence in exchange for his happiness. He left everything behind, including the girl he loved, but thriving on the pain of others is lonely… And it's killing him.

After a series of heartbreaking losses, Samantha put rubber to pavement and headed for college as fast as her clunker could carry her. But she can't outrun her problems. When an attack at school drives her back home, she's thrown into the path of a past—and a guy—she's been trying to forget.

Sam strains Jax's control over his darkness, but running isn't an option this time. Someone—or, something—followed her home from school: a ruthless monster with a twisted plan centuries in the making. Forced together to survive, and fighting an attraction that could destroy them both, Jax and Sam must stop a killer bent on revenge.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Gift Basket courtesy of Mary Duncanson
  • 1 Swag Pack courtesy of Ophelia London

To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Entangled Publishing & the Embrace Authors for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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