
Feature and Giveaway: Night of Pleasure by Delilah Marvelle

An arranged marriage is daunting, but not as daunting as seducing a spouse whose passions you do not understand...

Derek Charles Holbrook, Viscount Banfield, knew his fate since he was seventeen when his father announced his union to the beautiful but mysterious American girl by the name of Miss Grey.

To protect the troubled estate, Derek submits to his father's wishes, not realizing he's about to entangle himself in a hell of a lot more than marriage.

Miss Clementine Henrietta Grey may be worth millions, but not a single coin has ever bought her a smidge of happiness. When she marries the charasmatic and dashing Viscount Banfield, whose only strife in life appears to be the uneven seams in his coat, she finds that siring the heir he wants requires far more than her heart is prepared to give.

Unable to seduce his overly-serious and reluctant wife, Derek realizes his dreams of creating a loving family has turned into a nightmare. But with the unexpected assistance of a retired courtesan and her outrageous school, Derek and Clementine discover that passion is a language spoken not just from the body, but from the mind, heart and soul.

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God did he ever want to make those lips whisper his name with the same longing and reverence he’d felt for her all these years. “In private, call me Derek. And if you don’t like the idea of calling me Derek, feel free to call me any other endearment you like. Make it worth your while and mine.”

She smirked. “Oh, now, don’t encourage me. Or you’ll end up with a name like Adonis.”

That sounded like an insult, not an endearment. “And what is that supposed to mean?”

“Women probably find you very attractive. Don’t they?”

He supposed some did. Well…no…many did. He knew he was attractive. Certainly far more attractive than most of these lanky, buck-teethed, over-bred men walking around London. And various widows, in particular, always feigned to call on his mother, when, in fact, they were trying to call on him. Of course, he never acted on it. Setting aside his devotion to Clementine, acting on every woman’s interest only led to the pox. One of his own friends from his days back at Eton had come down with bed-related diseases after shagging well over thirty women. It wasn’t pretty.

He shrugged. “What can I say? Most of the men here in London make me look good. I’m young, my teeth are straight, and my biceps bulge in the proper direction.”

She pursed her lips. “I’m so glad to hear you aren’t completely conceited. I was beginning to wonder.”

Delilah Marvelle is the winner of the Reviewer's Choice for Best Sensual Historical Romance of the Year and had Booklist name her historical romance 'Forever and a Day' one of the TOP 10 Romances of the year. When she isn't writing, she's digging through inappropriate research books that include anything in history having to do with courtesans, brothels, sexual contraptions that were never properly used and other fascinating forms of dirty history that never made it into college textbooks. You can visit her at her website at

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Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $5 Amazon Gift Card

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment for Delilah.
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Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Delilah Marvelle for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the post and giveaway! Fingers crossed... :-)

kathy p said...

thanks for the giveaway!

Sandy Kenny said...

Sounds like a fun read! Can't wait to get a chance to read it!

Karen H said...

This book does sound like a really good read. I have a few of Delilah's books on my ever-growing TBR pile...guess I'd better get busy on some of those too. Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

The excerpt is so lovely, I can't wait to read this book :))

Nana Prah said...

The blurb made me giggle with joy. Sounds like a great book.

Di said...

I want to see how Derek and Clementine get their HEA!

Martha Lawson said...

Well, after reading the excerpt, this one is going on the to buy list!! It sounds awesome. Thanks for the giveaway.

Jbst said...

I liked the blurb, excerpt and convenience marriage stories. Thanks for the contest!

Unknown said...

Cant wait to read this and thank you for this great giveaway

Brooke Showalter said...

Thanks for sharing! How involved are you in choosing the covers for your books?

Kati said...

Thanks for hosting Delilah!

Glenda said...

Loved the excerpt! Thanks!

lisagkendall said...

I must check out these sexual contractions Delilah researches. Thanks for the post.

Barbara E. said...

I think Night of Pleasure sounds like a wonderful story and I'm looking forward to reading it.

Unknown said...

This series sounds divine!

dstoutholcomb said...

I enjoy your writing!

Mary Preston said...

I love arranged marriage stories. Always incredible covers.

Unknown said...

How many total are there in the series?

Hattie said...

Thanks for excerpt -- I've added this one to my ever growing to read list.

bn100 said...

Interesting blurb

Beautiful Disaster said...

I'm looking forward to reading this book. I have enjoyed other books by this author :)

Natasha said...

Thanks for the excerpt and the chance to win!

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