
Feature and Giveaway: Rebel by Skye Jordan

Sassy, smart, and sexy, former supermodel-turned-tech guru Rubi Russo has it all—looks, money, confidence and freedom. Her life is a whirlwind of fast cars and fleeting affairs—and she likes it that way. With a past like Rubi’s, forever isn’t part of her vocabulary. So when studly Renegade stuntman Wes Lawson wants to take their friendship to the next level, she’s all out.

Raised a simple country-boy, Wes knows the brazen Rubi isn’t his type. But after spending time with her, he discovers she’s everything he’s ever wanted in a woman. To win her wild rebel heart, he’ll have to prove he sees behind her smokescreen to all the goodness she tries to hide. Then it's just a matter of crushing her fears, shattering her barriers, and convincing her that loving him is everything she’s been missing in her life, too.

Piece of cake.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | Audible | iTunes | Kobo |

Sometimes fun, sometimes naughty. Always romantic.

I am a NY Times and USA Today Bestselling Author writing under the pseudonym Skye Jordan for my more … sexually heated … works.

My Skye Jordan novels are all about enjoying that little wild streak we all have, but probably don’t let out often enough. About those fantasies we usually don’t get the opportunity to indulge. About stretching limits, checking out the dark side, playing naughty and maybe even acting a little wicked. They’re about escape and fun and pleasure and romance.

And, yes, even love. Because even as Skye Jordan I’m just a happily ever after kinda gal. (Or, in some cases, happily for the foreseeable future.)

Find Skye at:

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Summer Surprise Tote - US ONLY
  • 10 audio downloads of Reckless

To Enter: 
  • US/Canada Shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Skye Jordan & LitConnect for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


erin said...

this looks and sounds awesome!!! Thanks so much for sharing and congrats to Skye on the new release!

Skye Jordan said...

Thanks Erin!

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