
Review: Beautiful Ties by Alicia Rae

Let me just start off by saying that I absolutely love the Beautiful series by Alicia Rae. I first fell in love with Lily and Kyle, and as they got closer and we were introduced to their families I began to fall in love with those characters as well. I have been waiting to get Abbey and Jason's story, and this one was definitely worth the wait. These books are written so well and are so heartfelt and beautiful. I honestly cannot recommend these enough. If you are looking for must read romance stories that will draw you in instantly and make you fall in love right along with the characters then these are definitely the books for you.

Abbey is a hardworking and successful businesswoman who works alongside her brother Kyle. She has watched him fall in love with Lily and also seen her brother Ryan fall in love as well. She wants the same thing for herself. When she meets Lily's cousin and Kyle's new business partner Jason, sparks instantly fly between them. Abbey is determined to keep things professional though since they work together. Despite being drawn to each other, Abbey does her best to turn him down, but Jason isn't taking no for an answer. Jason begins to win her over though, and soon she realizes that he has a place in her heart. But Abbey tries to balance work and her new relationship with Jason, she also strikes up a friendship with her seven year old neighbor who always seems sad and lonely. As Abbey begins to grow closer to Pearl, she realizes that something is not right with her home life and sets out to make things better for her. But can she find a way to have a relationship with Jason and Pearl, or will she have to sacrifice one in order to keep the other?

I really liked Jason before reading this book, but after this one I loved him. He was so sweet and kind and really thoughtful. He took care of Abbey and respected her as well as her ambition to be successful in her career. He was really great with Pearl though also, and I loved seeing that side of him as well. He was able to be serious and protective, but also playful and loving. Abbey was hardworking and devoted to doing her job well, but she was also so kind and open when it came to caring for others. She was determined to help Pearl because she wanted to and liked her not because she felt like she needed to or out of pity. I thought that her and Jason worked well together and were a great pair. But they also had a ton of chemistry and a really strong emotional connection as well. They were really hot together and had plenty of steam, but they were also able to give Pearl a great place to feel comfortable and loved.

I really loved everything about this book, and Alicia Rae impresses me so much with each new book of hers that I read. I love her writing style, and I always feel so invested in her characters and their HEAs. The characters are always unique and different, and full of depth. I thought that Jason and Abbey's relationship was so real and believable, and their story could not have been written better in my opinion. I felt like everything was so true to their characters, and I really loved how everything played out for them. I honestly can't wait to see what Alicia Rae has in store for Jason's brother Damon and Abbey's best friend Gail next. These books are must reads, and I think they offer something for every romance fan out there. The characters are likable and easy to relate to and will have you rooting for them the entire way through.

**Review Copy Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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Unknown said...

Thanks so much for sharing and reviewing Beautiful Ties <3 Alicia

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