
Review: Night Owl by M. Pierce

This book has been on my mind since the second I finished it. I have absolutely the biggest book hangover ever after Night Owl by M. Pierce and I cannot wait to get the next installment in this trilogy. Night Owl was truly fantastic, and my words will never be able to accurately explain all the reasons that I loved this book so much. But I can honestly say that this is not only one of the best books that I have ever read, but that this could be one of my all time favorites. Night Owl is a must read. This book has so much to offer, and honestly I think that Night Owl is one that anyone can find something to relate to or be drawn into.

Matt Sky has everything that he could ever want. He has plenty of money, a girlfriend, and a wildly successful career as an author under the pen-name of M. Pierce that currently has four bestsellers. His alias is often questioned and there are many rumors about who M. Pierce is, but there are only a select few who know his true identity. Matt meets Hannah Catalano online where they begin to write together. The writing partners have some rules between them, not the least of which is no personal information or pictures. But when Hannah mistakenly sends an email to Matt from her regular email account, Matt is instantly drawn to her. When Hannah relocates and winds up closer than ever, the two begin a relationship that is more intense than either of them have ever felt before. But with so many secrets and obstacles between them, are they doomed before they ever truly begin?

I loved Matt and all of his quirks. I liked that he was such a dirty talker and was able to really explore the passion between him and Hannah. He was so sexy and demanding when it came to sex, but he was also so cute and a little bit nerdy the rest of the time. He had a pet rabbit, which for some reason absolutely fascinates me. I think it is pretty much the most adorable thing ever and for some reason really stuck with me. I didn't like that he started things with Hannah while he still had a girlfriend, but I do understand some of why he let things go on longer than they should have. His connection with Hannah was undeniable, and they connected on absolutely every level. Hannah was easy to like as well, and I really loved her personality. She was just one of those heroines that is so cool you would love to hang out with in real life. It was easy to see how Matt could be so drawn to her. These two had a great connection, and I loved that they met through writing. But their chemistry was off the charts and honestly I have to say was stronger than I think I have ever read about before.

Overall, this book was fantastic and was one that I am still thinking about now. I know that I will reread this one over and over in the future. It was so well written, and I loved absolutely everything about it. It was smart and witty, sexy and hot. But it was also beautiful and had a way of showing such a strong connection and relationship differently than I have ever seen done before. I never knew exactly what would happen next, and I will admit that the ending absolutely shocked me. It left me reeling, and I need the next book like I have never needed a sequel before. I honestly wish I could talk about what happened, but you really do not want to be spoiled on this one and have to read it for yourself. Trust me, this one is definitely worth the read and you will not be disappointed with Night Owl. I just wish that I could go back and read this one for the first time all over again to truly experience the whole thing like it was the first time. I honestly felt sad to finish this one and leave the characters behind for now. I have a few books that just really resonate with me, and Night Owl is definitely one of them. I know that I will be trying to be patient as I anxiously await the next book from M. Pierce, and Last Light cannot get here fast enough.

**Review Copy Provided by Truly Schmexy PR**

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