
ARC Review: Unequaled by Charity Parkerson

Unequaled is the third book in Charity Parkerson's No Rival series, but each book can be read as a standalone. I would recommend reading these in order though since they are short and it gives you insight into each character and what they have been through. I have been waiting for Rhys's story since I finished Undaunted, and I couldn't wait to see him get his HEA. While it was good to see what happened for him, this one wasn't what I had been expecting. I loved Rhys though, and I think that a lot of my problems were how other characters treated him.

Rhys and Kerry have never gotten along well, but when she sees his pain at Knox and Mandy's wedding, she decides to help him out. She never expected his claims of love for Mandy to be real, but she has just the way to help him move on. She makes a bet with Rhys to which they both agree to submit to the other for one night to see who breaks who first. When Kerry gets to go first, she takes him to a fetish club and straight into the arms of sexy Italian lawyer Asher. Rhys and Asher quickly hit it off besides just having great sex together and begin to see each other. But when the rumors start about Rhys being with a man threaten his future and MMA title, Asher must decide if he is willing to risk Rhys's success on a public relationship with him. Rhys is finally happy and is being open with Asher, but when Asher treats him as only a client in public and won't acknowledge who they are to each other Rhys begins to wonder if he is destined to be alone and unhappy.

I really liked Rhys. I felt like he had made some mistakes in the past, and he didn't handle things well with Mandy. But he had not had the best childhood and family life and it definitely affected him. I felt like his friends and family didn't really see him for who he was, and that they weren't really that supportive of him. They all seemed to make assumptions and they didn't really seem to believe or care about his feelings. I felt like he deserved so much more from all of them, so it really broke my heart when he believed that even Asher was ashamed of him. Asher was really great for Rhys and I thought that they were really hot together. It was fun to see them get to know each other, and I loved their flirty banter and texting. They were so sexy and hot, but they also were really developing feelings for each other. I understand what Asher was trying to do by protecting Rhys's image in public, but I just wish that he would have talked to Rhys about it rather than assume he knew what was best or what Rhys needed.

Overall, this was a good story and I did like the ending. I just felt like it was hard to really get into this story because of how everyone treated Rhys. I didn't feel like he deserved what he got, and honestly no one really seemed to catch on or feel bad about it. Rhys was great though, and I absolutely love his character. I liked that Asher came to his senses and that he truly cared about Rhys. He ended up proving to me that he was worthy of Rhys, and I was glad that Rhys hadn't been wrong about him. I think that this series is really great for Erotica fans that are looking for short and sexy stories. These are quick and hot and are the perfect way to squeeze in some sexy moments when you are short on time. I look forward to reading more from Charity Parkerson in the future and can't wait to read the next book in this series.

**ARC Provided by IndieSage PR**

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Charity Parkerson said...

Thank you for hosting me and for taking time to read/review my book :-D

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