
ARC Review: Falling For Fate by Caisey Quinn

Falling For Fate is the second book in Caisey Quinn's Second Chance series, but each book stands alone. I really loved the first book in the series and couldn't wait to continue with Falling For Fate. This book was really good, and I am really enjoying this series. I am looking forward to the next book, and can't wait to read more from Caisey Quinn in the future.

After checking her mom into rehab and getting used to the idea that her mom won't be there for her wedding, Fate Buchanan catches her fiance and best friend/maid of honor having sex the night of her rehearsal dinner. Having been betrayed by two of the people closest to her, Fate runs away and decides to do anything she can to escape for awhile. She meets a sexy stranger on the beach and the attraction between them is instant. Fate and her sexy stranger give in to the passion between them but then Fate runs again leaving before Dean is ever able to get her name. Dean searches for her all summer, but he is never able to find her. As he finally decides to let her go, there she is in front of him at the meeting where he announces that he is taking over his family's business and of course they have a policy against employees dating one another. Dean is determined to get Fate out of his system once and for all, and Fate isn't looking for anything serious after having been betrayed. But things quickly grow complicated between them as they spend more time getting to know one another, and soon they find themselves in unfamiliar territory.

I liked Dean. I thought that he ran hot and cold a lot, and even Fate pointed that out to him. It was clear that he had issues with commitment because of his father and his upbringing, but honestly it didn't make much sense to me why he acted the way he did most of the time. It seemed like he used his dad as an excuse, and he didn't even know the whole story when it came to what had actually happened between his parents. I wanted Dean to figure things out sooner with Fate, because I felt like he had these really sweet and caring moments only to be destroyed by this cold and unfeeling personality shift. Fate was easy to like and root for. She was honest and open, and she was such a genuine person. She wasn't looking for what she could get out of anyone or anything, and was truly happy with what she had and being a hard worker to get what she needed. She had been through a lot, and I thought that she was a true class act with how she handled things. I honestly would not have been able to do things that well had I been in her shoes. But I thought that she was really great for Dean and that despite his issues he was good for her as well. They had a lot of chemistry between them, and they just seemed to fit together. They were a great couple, and I never stopped rooting for them to figure things out.

Overall, this was a really great book. I enjoyed the characters, and I really love Caisey Quinn's writing style. It is so easy to get lost in her stories, and I always end up not wanting to put her books down. This book might be part of the Second Chance series, but it really is one that can be read out of order or by itself. While it does mention one of the previous characters, you really don't get to see anyone from that story in this one. I was kind of surprised by that, but it didn't bother me as much as I had expected it to. I think that because I was enjoying Fate and Dean's story so much, it almost didn't even occur to me to miss the previous characters. I definitely recommend this book and series though, and I think that both books are worth the read. I can't wait to get the next book and to continue this series.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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