
ARC Review: Once Upon a Marriage by Sara Daniel

Once Upon a Marriage is part of Decadence Publishing’s Beyond Fairy Tale series, a fabulous retelling of Grimm’s Three Surgeon story. I was torn between a three and a four stars, it is a really cute and I love second chance romances and this is a really good second chance story but man it was short. It is a novella and by definition short I know, I don’t know if it just seemed like it was that short because I read through it so fast or if it really was that short. Despite it being short it was a cute, heartwarming and funny.

Armina Keer tried to make her marriage work but Ian Keer is a workaholic and put his work with the Inn first. Armina left Ian when her Uncle Ned had serious heart problems. All three of her uncle’s decided to retire leaving their prosthetics company, Three Surgeons, to Armina to run. Two of her uncle’s wear prosthetics and are in need of new pieces, customary to getting new prosthetics they needed to go to physical therapy for a bit to acclimate to the new appendages and the best place to go for the is The Inn. The same place Armina worked at with her husband, it seems to be the perfect opportunity for her to confront him and finally get those divorce papers signed. With time running out she would prefer to be divorced before she visits the fertility clinic and gets artificially inseminated.

Ian Keer had a wakeup call when his wife left and never came back. He made some dramatic changes to his life; now all he needs is his wife back. He knew the surgeons, as her three uncles are called, were coming he never expected her to show up with them. Now all he has to do is convince her that he has changed and it’s worth the second chance. It may be more complicated then he expects even though the strong sexual chemistry is just as strong as ever. The uncles are a great comic relief and good meddlers they really make the story. Short and sweet, but I think it could have been drawn out just a little otherwise I really enjoyed it.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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