
ARC Reivew: Composing Love by Audra North

This book was a bit of a challenge for me to read. I was really disappointed from the beginning. The first time they met, the way they interacted and the way things worked out just felt awkward. Also, everything happened within such a short amount of time that the book felt rushed. The whole feel of the book was like I was running a race and it was not a good run.

Minh was such a hard person to relate to. She was annoying at times, especially when she would refer to “the rules.” I couldn’t get my mind around the idea that a person could be so close-minded. I could not understand why she connected so well with Chris. A person that is so into “rules” would not have even looked twice at a guy like Chris.

I loved the way Chris was described. The tattoos and piercing had me intrigued. Unfortunately, I quickly lost my admiration for him when he would start speaking about his ex and always compared Minh to her. It seemed as if he just could not let that go and I was almost certain he would never be able to get over it.

Overall, I just could not get into this book. It seemed so unrealistic and hasty. The story lacked something, almost like Minh’s music. It was ordinary and didn’t have that special something to make it stand out. Unfortunately, the whole mathematician and musician story just did not add up for me.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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