
ARC Review: Locke by Harper Sloan

Locke is the fifth and final book in Harper Sloan's Corps Security Series. This book centers around Maddox and Emersyn. I really enjoyed this book, and I thought that it did a great job of giving you Mad and Emmy's story while also giving you enough of the previous characters as well. I thought that it was a great story and I liked the way that Harper Sloan brought in the kids of the characters at the end and set them up to have their own stories as well. I would love to read about their kids and see what happens for them in the future.

Maddox Locke had always been told the he was worthless and had evil inside of him. His brother was his mother's favorite, and it was clear that neither of them wanted anything to do with Maddox. So while his brother took his place in the family business, Maddox became a soldier. When a bomb left Maddox in the hospital and missing his leg, the only thing that got him through was being strong for his fiance and his unborn son. But when he finds out that everything he thought he knew was a lie, he must once again pick up the pieces of his life and move forward with nothing. Now years later, he finds himself in love with the beautiful Emmy. While he wants her like no one else he has come across, he pushes her away because everything he touches turns to disaster. But when Emmy gets tired of trying to get through to him and show him that her love for him is unconditional, she decides to return to her former life. Maddox is determined to get her away from that life though and won't take no for an answer. But as Emmy and Maddox are finally forced to confront the feelings between them, Emmy insists that Maddox stop pushing her away and finally let her in. But is Maddox able to let her see all his demons and overcome his fear of destroying the woman he loves?

I really liked Maddox. He was sexy and strong, but he had a vulnerability to him from constantly being told he wasn't good enough. He truly believed that he wasn't worthy because of his awful family and everything that had happened to him. My heart broke for all that he had experienced, but I was glad that he had Emmy to show him that what he thought wasn't true. He was so protective of her even when he didn't believe he was good enough for her. Emmy was strong and feisty and I really liked how she was with Maddox. She was determined to show him that he was great just the way he was and she really loved him flaws and all. It took awhile for her to get through to him, but she never gave up on him and I really admired that about her. Maddox and Emmy had great chemistry and when they finally came together they were super hot!

Overall, I thought that this was a great way to close out the series. I thought that it was really great the way things came together, and I am really hoping that Harper Sloan decides to tell the stories of the Corps Security children. I would love to see how their lives proceed, and also get to see more of their parents. The one reason this rating wasn't higher for me was because of something that happened with Emmy. I understood her need to get away after things happened and after Maddox pushed her away. But for such a smart and strong woman, it didn't make sense to me that her character would return to the life that she had fought so hard to escape. She had been through a lot and some really disgusting things, and I don't know why she put herself back there when she could have done just about anything else. I really do like the way things turned out though, and besides that complaint I thought that this was a really great book. I definitely recommend this book and series if you are looking for some sexy alpha men and their likable heroines.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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