
Fall into Romance Event with Paula Altenburg

Paula Altenburg grew up in rural Nova Scotia knowing that at some point in her life she was likely to be a fiction writer. Swapping Louis L’Amour and Zane Grey books with her father guaranteed she wasn’t going to be the next Jane Austen, much to the dismay of her English teacher mother.

A degree in Social Anthropology from the University of King’s College and Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, again meant writing was the logical (meaning only) career path for her, although it did confirm her belief that learning is a life-long experience. She’s taken business courses, writing courses, and physiology of aquatic animals courses, all at the university level and all for fun. An education makes for some great story ideas.

She reads in all genres, which isn’t surprising considering her life is all over the board.

Places to find Paula: 

Fall is my favorite season.

The trees are absolutely beautiful. The weather is fantastic—that fresh bite in the air. The warmth of the afternoon sun. The stars seem brighter at night when we sit around a bonfire, too.

This is my back yard at the moment:

I live in Nova Scotia, Canada, and September and October are the most beautiful months. Believe it or not, early September is the best time to swim in the Atlantic Ocean here because the water’s the warmest.

This is Lunenburg, Nova Scotia a few weeks ago:

To me, fall always feels like a beginning. My birthday is in the fall. I left home for the first time and went to university in the fall. I got married in the fall.

Thanksgiving in Canada falls on the second Monday of October. It’s the lowest pressure holiday of the year, and therefore, my favorite. Our tradition is turkey, but sometimes we shake it up and add ham. (Sorry, no vegans in this family and only one vegetarian. She comes for the dessert.) Part of the reason I love this holiday so much is that my husband and I were married on Thanksgiving weekend, and that year, my birthday fell on Thanksgiving Day. It was like all those bright stars aligned.

The Foreign Guy, as he’s known to our children, comes from the Netherlands. Our wedding went on the entire weekend, and his parents got to experience their first Canadian Thanksgiving. To top it all off, the Dutch really know how to celebrate birthdays. I’ve always been fairly low key about mine, but not my husband’s family. Not that year. They came armed with wedding presents AND birthday gifts. To the Dutch, that day is yours. You are a rock star for the full twenty-four hours. You get gifts and congratulations from family, neighbors, friends, coworkers, and anyone who knows your first name. Not only are you the center of the world, so is your spouse.

The Foreign Guy LOVES this.

So Thanksgiving the year we were married was memorable:

Last year was my 50th birthday, and again, it fell on Thanksgiving Day. My family went all out. That weekend, we partied. My sister even brought my sons home from university for the weekend as a surprise. One of them spent 46 hours on a train (return) to be with us.

The boys haven’t changed a bit over the years. ;-) :

To mark this milestone, my mother, brother, and sisters gave me a watch. It’s a family tradition:

So, for me, fall is all about being surrounded by the people, places, and things I love the most. It’s about fresh beginnings, the future, and home.

I feel a new Bliss coming on…

Conflict of interest is an understatement…

Since being disowned by her strict father, Cass Stone has spent her adulthood trying to prove him wrong. Her drive has led to more success than her family ever thought she’d achieve, and life is looking great. Not even an incredible and mysterious one night stand that leaves her a single mom can trip her up…until the father of her baby stumbles back into her life, as sexy and unreliable as ever.

Logan Alexander hasn’t forgotten the night he spent with Cass two years ago, but he never expects to end up undercover as her assistant. His job saves lives—like it should have saved his brother—and he can’t afford complications. It’s difficult enough to maintain his cover as a carefree wanderer when he realizes his attraction to Cass hasn’t faded…and then he meets Cass’s daughter.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | Kobo | iTunes |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 signed copy of Desire by Design

To Enter: 
  • Tell me what you love most about reading romance?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Paula Altenburg for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Paula Altenburg said...

Thanks for having me here today!

Sue G. said...

What a wonderful post. I love spring for many of the same reasons. My birthday, my wedding, hubby's birthday and two of my three daughter's birthdays. I also love how everything starts to turn green again after the long, cold, snowy winter in Cleveland, OH.

My mom is from Slovak decent but based on your description of the Dutch, I'm thinking she has it wrong! EVERYONE knows my mom's birthday is 10-10. She makes such a deal about it. She even gives my sister and I presents for her birthday! She just turned 72 and she still got about 20 cards from people she used to work with 10 yrs ago! The day after her birthday she reminded everyone on facebook that it was only 364 more days until her birthday! ;)

Anita Yancey said...

This book sounds wonderful, and I love the cover. I can't wait to read it. Thanks for having the giveaway.

erin said...

Congrats to Paula on the new release!!! Thank you for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Paula. I loved seeing your pictures and hearing your family traditions. I like reading romance for the characters' journey to their HEA. I also read and really enjoyed HER SECRET, HIS SURPRISE.

Marcy Shuler

Paula Altenburg said...

Sue, I'm glad you enjoyed the post. And I bet your mom is a lot of fun. :-)

Paula Altenburg said...

Marcy, I'm so glad you enjoyed the book. I'm smiling! Logan was one of my favorite heroes. :-)

Mary Preston said...

I do love a HEA. I also love the story lines.

Glenda said...

Happy late Birthday, Paula!

I love the journey to the HEA and knowing that eventually they'll get there. :-)

Cheryl R said...

I have a friend who is married to a wonderful Duth man, he really makes her feel special on her birthday ( actually most days now that I think about it). Now I know why! Thanks for your insight!

Sue G. said...

She actually is a very fun person. My kids can't even believe she really is 72 because she acts more like 50!

Filia Oktarina said...

what i love most about reading romance was storyline, when hero and heroine was fight for dominance and HEA!

Robin Bielman said...

Loved reading this post, Paula!! Thanks for sharing pictures! <3

Sandy Kenny said...

An awesome post, Paula! I think one of my favorite things about romance is the escapism that it gives the reader. I need a little "happily ever after" while I'm sitting in my minivan taking each of my 4 kids to their schools (4 different ones, too!) and all their activities, while I'm on break at work (I work an overnight shift) or when I'm at a doctor appointment. Thanks for being a part of that wonderful group of authors who keep me entertained when I need a mental breather!

Ada said...

Happy to find another Canadian author to add to my list! Thanks for sharing your family pics with us! And a happy belated birthday to you!!

Anita H. said...

Nova Scotia sure looks beautiful in the fall! Love reading your post and seeing your pictures, you are very lucky to have such a wonderful family!

Kim said...

I love the picture of your backyard. Happy belated birthday and anniversary.

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