
Feature and Giveaway: If He's Daring by Hannah Howell

In a dazzling new novel in the Wherlocke family saga, New York Times bestselling author Hannah Howell creates an unforgettable story of intrigue, jeopardy, and desire…

Stealing a stranger’s carriage is the second most reckless thing Lady Catryn Gryffin de Warrenne has ever done. The first is succumbing to her powerful attraction to the carriage’s owner. Catryn has heard the rumors about Sir Orion Wherlocke’s family and their otherworldly gifts. He’s the one person who can keep her son and his inheritance safe from her late husband’s ruthless brother. As for how to protect herself…it may be too late for that.

Orion is facing the worst danger a man of his ilk can find: a woman he can’t walk away from. Catryn is an intoxicating blend of innocence and sensuality, and for the first time, seduction is far more than a game. But her beauty and fortune have made her a target—one that will dare him to risk everything he’s known—in pursuit of everything he’s ever longed for…

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Suddenly she was aware that she was seated very close to Orion and he had his arm around her. It was nice, the warmth of his body keeping away the encroaching chill of the night. It was also highly improper, such as riding around the countryside with an unmarried man who was not related to her. She looked up at him to find him looking down at her.

His face was so close and so very handsome. She could see concern for her in his beautiful blue eyes. His mouth was almost as pretty, the bottom lip a little fuller than the top. Catryn could not recall the last time she had been kissed by a man, and she suddenly craved a kiss.

Orion knew it was a mistake as he lowered his mouth to hers, but the way she looked at him had been a temptation he could not resist. There had been the glint of want and curiosity in her sea-green eyes, and his body strongly encouraged him to respond. It took but one brush of his mouth over her full, soft lips to tell him that he could be risking a lot just to steal a little taste, but he ignored the warning.

Catryn curled her arms around his shoulders as he kissed her. When he nipped at her bottom lip, she opened her mouth so that he could deepen the kiss. Her body trembled from the strength of the desire that flooded her. He tasted so good, his body pressed against her was a delight, and he even smelled wonderful. She wanted to sit there in his arms and keep on kissing him until the sun rose.

That thought was enough to make a warning bell sound in her mind and she gently pulled free of his hold. “I believe I need to write a message and send it to my father, for we must try and learn if there is Wherlocke blood in my family,” she said as she stood up and brushed down her skirts with shaking hands, knowing it was a ridiculously abrupt change of subject but desperate to get away from the man.

“Have him send an answer to Radmoor, the Ear of Radmor’s country home, as we will stop there soon.”

“Good night, Sir Orion.”

“Sleep well, Cat,” he said, and smiled at the way her shoulders stiffened as she hurried away.

It had been an abrupt ending to a sweet, moment, but he was not surprised. She had not shied away from his kiss but had not shown any great experience, either. It was more proof that he should stay far away from her, but he knew he would not be able to. Already he wanted to hunt her down and kiss her again. Licking his lips, he deemed hers the sweetest mouth he had ever tasted.

“There is trouble for you there, fool,” he muttered to himself as he headed back inside, but a part of him refused to heed any advice, actually anticipated running right after that trouble until it was caught.

Hannah Howell is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 30 Zebra historical romances. Howell, twice awarded the Golden Leaf Award, has been a Romance Writers of America RITA Finalist and received RT Book Reviews’ Career Achievement Award for Historical Storyteller of the Year. She lives West Newbury, Massachusetts with her family.

Find Hannah at:

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 3 copies of If He's Daring

To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Hannah Howell & Tasty Book Tours for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


girlygirlhoosier52 said...

HEaring what people are thinking.

Janice said...

I think it would be awesome to be able to see the future.

Theresa said...

Teleporting would be great and save some time!

Unknown said...


Barb said...

I'd have to say teleporting. I think it would be so awesome to be able to just think about a place and suddenly be there. Wow.. I'd be able to see the world :)

Jan Hougland said...

An otherworldly gift? Hmmm. I think it would be to know what a person is thinking, whether they're speaking or not. I tend to be a very gullible person and believe the words coming from a person. I'm too trusting. I've been hurt, lied to, led astray. If I knew what a person was thinking I wouldn't have to say a word...just turn away or ignore that person. Sigh. What a wonderful gift that would be! :-)

Di said...

I'd love to be able to transport - so much easier than driving to visit family!

erin said...

teleporting!!! I hate driving :) Thanks for sharing!

Gretchen said...

Maybe to fly. That would be cool.

Sandy Kenny said...

Having telepathic abilities...being able to read people's minds, would be interesting.

lorimeehan said...

Teleporting. I'd love to go from one place to another in a snap.

Glenda said...

After days like today being able to be super speedy so I could get stuff done quickly (and then have lots of time left for reading) :-)

Anonymous said...

I'd love to fly.

Tasty Book Tours said...

Thank you for hosting today!

Texas Book Lover said...

With out a doubt I'd want invisibility!

MsAwesome said...

I'd love to be able to move things with my mind. where is the remote? ah, here in my hand after it was 20 ft away from me haha =D

gamistress66 said...

love this family (both branches) :) think healing would be a nice one to have

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