
ARC Review: The Wedding Hoax by Heather Thurmeier

A girl always dreams about that one guy that got away. The Wedding Hoax by Heather Thurmeier turns that classic fantasy into a fun and entertaining story.

I loved how Daisy and Cole were first brought back together in the coffee shop. I couldn't help but find them so adorable as they spoke after the spilled coffee. I was a little worried about how things would work out after I heard the arrangement. The marketing plot to benefit both their professional careers was a great publicity stunt but I'm not sure there is any woman out there who would put themselves in that kind of position with someone who had broken her heart. Also, I wasn't sure how believable the story would be to sell to the people since Cole had a reputation of hooking up with a lot of women. On the other hand, I guess there's also that fantasy of being the girl that finally gets the uncontrollable bachelor to settle down. In the end though, I loved how Daisy was such a hard working and caring person and I loved Cole's focus and determination. It made for that celebrity power couple that you always find yourself rooting for.

The Wedding Hoax was a very enjoyable story from start to finish. The way the characters were drawn to each other was undeniable and in the end made this second chance love story very charming. I'm looking forward to reading more from Heather Thurmeier in the future, hoping I can get just a little more provocative and enticing read.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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