
Interview with Author Julie Ann Walker and Giveaway

Julie Ann Walker is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of award-winning romantic suspense. She has won the Book Buyers Best Award, been nominated for the National Readers Choice Award, the Australian Romance Reader Awards, and the Romance Writers of America's prestigious RITA award. Her latest release was named a Top Ten Romance of 2014 by Booklist. Her books have been described as "alpha, edgy, and downright hot." Most days you can find her on her bicycle along the lake shore in Chicago or blasting away at her keyboard, trying to wrangle her capricious imagination into submission.

Find Julie Ann at:

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
I would love to! I mean, it's one of my favorite topics! :-D Okay, in all seriousness, I grew up in rural Oklahoma, majored in mathematics, and taught high school for seven years before throwing my hat into the publishing ring. Now I live in downtown Chicago with my super supportive husband. I love to spout movie quotes and song lyrics - usually to the annoyance of family and friends. And the main item on my bucket list is to visit 100 countries before I, you know, kick the bucket. No small feat, but I've been to 46 so far and am trying to hit 1 or 2 new spots each year... between hellacious book deadlines. *looks around to see if publisher is reading*

Did you always want to be a writer?
Ha! Not in the least. Wait... that sounded bad, didn't it? What I meant to say is that I always wanted to be a reader. Before becoming a contracted author, I would read anywhere from 4-6 books a week. I gobbled up romances, mysteries, and thrillers faster than my local bookstore could supply them, and certainly faster than my husband could install more bookshelves in our house - which resulted in towering stacks of paperbacks in just about every corner. (Truly, it was/is an issue.) But sometime in early 2010 I had this idea about a story that centered around secret government agents using a custom motorcycle shop as their cover. Sort of Hells Angels meets Mission Impossible. I scoured my library, my local Barnes & Noble, and all online resources trying to find a book or series that told this particular tale. When I couldn't find it, I sat down at the keyboard to write it myself. And the rest, as they say, is history...

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
I'm a total pantser. Well, that's not 100% true. I have incredibly detailed character outlines. I know the way all my characters talk and think, their likes and dislikes, their idiosyncrasies and motivations. I know each of my characters' histories, their fears, their triumphs and their failures. All of that is to say, I'm a plot-pantser and a character-plotter. Does that make any sense whatsoever? LOL!

Where do your ideas come from?
Because I write romantic suspense, I take things from the headlines and ask myself the "what if?" question. What if there was a female CIA agent who had assets imbedded inside the Islamic State? What would she do, what would she risk, to keep their identities hidden? What if the government incorrectly listed one of their agents as "rogue?" What would this agent have to do to clear his name? It starts out with a small spark ignited when I ask myself "what if?" and then I put my butt in the chair, my fingers on the keyboard, and I fan that spark until it turns into a flame.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
As hot, hard, & heavenly to look at as their custom-made Harley choppers, the men of Black Knights Inc. will steal your breath & your heart!

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read?
I like anything that combines romance, mystery, and adventure. Which is probably why I write romantic suspense. The genre encompasses all those elements. But currently I'm reading Shana Galen's Lord and Lady Spy series. It's sort of like romantic suspense set in the Regency era so it adds in the historical angle. I'm here to say it's so much frickin' fun!

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it?
Oy! That's a hard one. I have hundreds of books that I love and have reread. Christine by Stephen King comes to mind. That book still scares the bajeezus out of me. Anne Of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery is another. It was the first book I read as a young girl that made me consider "adult" issues. And I love, love, love The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. The movie just doesn't do it justice. If you haven't read that book, do so. NOW!!!

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write?
The emotional, gooey scenes. Shhhh, don't tell that to other romance writers whose bread and butter is emotional goo. Believe me, I love to read it. But writing it is a slog for me. I love banging out action and sex scenes, but emotions? So hard to get just right.

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why?
#1 - Suzanne Brockmann because she's the reigning queen of romantic suspense and the whole reason I write in the genre. I would fan-girl her so hard!

#2 - Beverly Cleary because she's the reason I developed a mad love for reading at a young age. Her Ralph S. Mouse series and Ramona and Beezus series are some of the best children's' stories every written.

#3 - Hunter S. Thompson because the man was a crazy, drug-addled whackadoo who was equal parts brilliant and incomprehensible. He'd be so fun to share a couple bottles of wine with, don't you think?

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
I am! I just finished Hell or High Water, the first book in my new Deep Six romantic suspense series. It debuts July, 2015. I have a charity anthology coming out in May of 2015 titled Way of the Warrior, and all author and publisher proceeds are pledged to the Wounded Warrior Project - I'm insanely proud of this endeavor. And I'm currently in the middle of writing the next Black Knights Inc. book. So many more mission, so much more mayhem to pen!

Thanks so much for having me on Ramblings From This Chick today. It was a treat!

She Needs a Hero...

Abby Thompson didn't sign up to be the daughter of the President of the United States. The position was forced on her by the small matter of her birth. Preferring a quiet life of study, she's content to leave the politics and the international intrigue to her father. Unfortunately, the most powerful man on the planet is sure to make enemies. When a group of armed thugs takes her hostage half a world away, demanding the U.S. government release prisoners in exchange for her safe return, she fears her father's policy of "not negotiating with terrorists" means she'll never see the shores of the Potomac again. Luckily, there's one glimmer of hope. His name is Carlos Soto. And though she abruptly ended things with him years ago, she knows now he's the only man who can save her…

Black Knights, Inc. to the Rescue...

Carlos "Steady" Soto has taken part in his fair share of dangerous missions working at the covert government defense firm of Black Knights Inc. But nothing prepared him for the emotional rollercoaster he faces when he's tasked with rescuing the only woman he ever loved-who also broke his heart. Racing against time and outmaneuvering a group of trained terrorists will take everything he's got. Plus there's the heat simmering between them which is threatening to ignite into an inferno. While ruthless enemies stalk them, they must learn to trust each other again. Even if they do make it out alive, will Abby turn her back on him... for the second time?

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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $50 Amazon Gift Card + Set of Black Knight Inc. Series

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Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Julie Ann Walker & Sourcebooks for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Jo's Daughter said...

That the excitement isn't just comming from the romance, but the storyline too :)

mk said...

I love mysteries, and I love romance. Rom susp combines the best of both!

Sophia Rose said...

I've never really liked just straight romance. I've always had to have some action or mystery to the story to keep my interest. Thus, RS makes a lot of sense as a favorite sub-genre in romance for me.

Fun interview! Look forward to the new series and new books in this series.

Marcy Meyer said...

I like the feeling of being on the edge of my seat, wondering what's going to happen. I think romantic suspense is a great sub-genre, that gives me a little extra thrill when reading.

cutiephinphin said...

I like that I'm having to wonder about what's gonna happen next and trying to decipher the mystery or deduce the villain. It makes the romance sweeter amidst and after all that action happening.

lorimeehan said...

I love what it adds to a romance books

Kim said...

I love the action and suspense of romantic suspense. The hero and heroine meet up and while they know they shouldn't act on their feelings they do. I love that they have to trust each other to keep themselves alive. And when the book is written just right, you get to visualize the action.

Unknown said...

Ahh I love the mystery and the suspense that keeps me on the edge of my seat! Add the romance into that and i'm in heaven!!!

Anne said...

I think the action element adds more to the story, it also gives the hero (or heroine) a chance to show what they can do.

Kimberly Sue said...

I love the excitement of not knowing what's going to happen.

Anonymous said...

What I love the most is the freshness of a new romance, the rush, the excitement of finding someone who fits.

Jan Hougland said...

What do I love about romantic suspense? Well, for starters, it's got romance, which I've been reading since high school. Love romance! Second, the suspense part means adventure, action, mystery, which get the adrenaline going! Yea for the thrill and the rush of both romance and suspense! Besides all that--you get more bang for your buck when you buy a romantic suspense book! :-) Thanks for one of my fave questions.

Kim said...

If you don't kow the identity of the villains upfront, it's interesting trying to guess.

Lisa M said...

I like it all
The romance, the thrill of suspense ... edge of your seat ... getting lost in the pages

Pamk said...

liked trying to figure out who dun it. And am tickled when I can't

Anonymous said...

I like the heart pounding action along with the swoony romance.

Marcy Shuler

Glenda said...

The romance combined with the intense action. :-)

Sue G. said...

The intense thrill that leaves you on the edge of your seat!

Unknown said...

Definitely love the intense emotion and action :D

Jen B. said...

I love the suspense aspects but I can't stand when it's unrelenting. I find it overwhelming. In romantic suspense there is a little happy mixed in to help make the suspense easier to handle!

Maris said...

It's the action and suspense -- such an adrenaline rush.


Laney4 said...

Like Maris said, it's the adrenaline rush!

Anonymous said...

I have always enjoyed mysteries and suspense stories. Romance is part of life and adds an extra element to a suspense story. It gives more directions for the story to go.
(Patricia on rafflecopter)

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