
ARC Review: Stroke of Midnight by Kelli Scott

Stroke of Midnight is a short novella about a New Year’s party and new beginnings. It’s an erotic novella where two strangers meet for a one night deal, nothing like a one night stand for a bit of revenge and a bit of moving on. It may not seem like it will have a HEA but it does in a way, more of a Happy for the Foreseeable Future. As part of the 1Night Stand series both Marley and Ian have contracted the agency for a one night stand. Madame Evangeline arranges one night fantasies for people who need it; in a safe and sane situation.

I like the story Marley and Ian are both very likeably people. Marley who has her heart stomped on needs the confidence boost to feel wanted and loved again. Ian is a good man but his dead wife really worked him over and he needs a kick start in his love life.

Madame Evangeline arranges a New Years fantasy for Marley and Ian in a Las Vegas Hotel, swanky. Marley flies in from Seattle and spends the day getting pampered and primped and shows up looking and feeling nothing like herself, in fact the night doesn’t start off well getting hit on and being mistaken for a high priced escort. Luckily for her Ian shows himself and poof instant attraction, after a bit of awkward conversation they get in to why they went to 1Night Stand. Marley for payback and to regain her confidence after her fiancĂ© admitted to cheating on her. Ian reluctant to share at first admits that after a bad marriage that ended in his with wife’s death, not able to have the closure he needed hasn’t been able to let it go even if she was horrible. Ian almost blows it when Marley confides in him about her fiancĂ© and storms off, Ian not one to give up easily follows her and after an apology they spend the night together. They share a spectacular night making love and exploring new things determined to start the New Year with a clean slate and a fresh start.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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