
ARC Review: The Redemption by Lauren Rowe

The Redemption is the third and final installment in The Club series by Lauren Rowe. This series continues from one book to the next, and these absolutely need to be read in order. I was sucked in right from the start though, and I have not been able to put these books down. Trust me once you start, you will not want to stop until you have devoured every last word. Jonas is fantastic, and I adore his character so much. I couldn't wait to start this book after the cliffhanger from The Reclamation, and trust me Lauren Rowe delivered. 

The Redemption picks up right after the events of The Reclamation with Jonas having just found Sarah. Jonas struggles with his demons more than ever and is determined to get to the bottom of who is behind The Club. He won't rest until those that hurt Sarah are forced to answer for what they have done. As Jonas and Sarah work together to bring down The Club, they must face more obstacles in their relationship. Will they be able to make it out alive and together, or will there be too many things standing in the way of the love they have found in each other? 

I have loved Jonas from the very start, even when he has had his moments. He is so much more than you first think, and I have really loved getting to know him throughout this series. He is cocky and arrogant, but he is also so sweet and vulnerable. We got to see a lot more of his childhood in this book, and it really helped to explain so much about him. I didn't think it was possible to love him more, but Lauren Rowe proved me wrong. Jonas has definitely made it onto my all time favorite book boyfriends list. I loved Sarah as well. She is the perfect match for Jonas. She always stands by him and supports him, but she also isn't afraid to put him in his place when he needs it. She is strong and feisty, and I loved seeing her show Jonas that things happen and that he shouldn't always blame himself for them. The awesome witty banter between these two continued in this book, and I was so happy to see that nothing had changed when it came to that or their insane chemistry! These two are off the charts hot together, and they just seem to get better with each book. 

Overall, I have really loved this series. This is one of those that you go into not knowing what to expect since it is a new author, and then you wonder where they have been. Lauren Rowe has given us a solid series that in my opinion was great start to finish. These books never disappointed, and kept me on the edge of my seat and anxious for more. Jonas and Sarah's relationship was always at the heart of the story though and I love these two more than I can say. But I have to say that this book might just have been my favorite of the series. I love Jonas and Sarah, but the secondary characters in this series are just as great! I loved the whole gang working together in Vegas, and thought that they just made the perfect team. If you haven't read these yet, I definitely recommend them. I think that they really do offer something for everyone, and you never know what is going to happen next. This series gave me all the feels and I cannot wait to see what Lauren Rowe writes next.

**ARC Provided by Truly Schmexy PR**

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