
ARC Review: Closer by Kaia Bennett

I have been dying to get my hands on Closer by Kaia Bennett since I finished #1 Crush. I needed more of Gabe and Nic, and couldn't wait to see what happened next for these two! If you haven't read #1 Crush, you are definitely going to need to start there since these aren't standalones. Closer picks up after where we were left with Gabe and Nic and continues their story. I will warn you that these books leave things up in the air as there are three books in this series. I am now waiting for the third book in this series, Mind Over Matter, which is tentatively scheduled for a July 2015 release. 

After spending a week exploring the passion between them, Gabe and Nic went their separate ways. Gabe was pursuing a career in music, and Nic had just graduated from college. Though the time they spent together was great, they knew they weren't in a place for anything serious with one another. But when Gabe and Nic are suddenly back in the same city, they quickly pick up where they left off. Gabe's career is starting to take off, and his band has just been signed. But with things heating up between him and Nic, he wants to give a relationship a chance. Nic agrees, and things are better than ever. But the band's popularity isn't the only new obstacle these two have to face, and suddenly Gabe's past is doing everything it can to wreck his future with Nic. 

I had loved Gabe and Nic in the first book, and that didn't change here. I will say these two frustrated me more in this one though, and there were a few times I wanted to shake both of them. I loved that these two had been able to be so open and honest about things between them. They knew they had a connection and chemistry, but they were also able to see that they weren't in a position for anything serious. While they might have been jealous that there were others, they understood and it didn't destroy their friendship. I was glad that they had remained close and didn't hold that against one another. I thought that their communication in this book was absolutely horrible though. Gabe was the worst when it came to this, and he held a ton back from Nic. I thought his reasons were flimsy at best, and I think that it was a lot of his fault for most of the problems that they encountered. That being said, towards the end of this book Nic really screwed up in my opinion. She acted really immature and handled things very poorly. Though part of the blame was on Gabe, I really felt that she was more to blame for their big blow-up. He should have talked to her, but she acted pretty ridiculous to me. 

These two still had great chemistry and I liked seeing their bond strengthen as their feelings for each other grew deeper. But I felt like they needed to learn to talk to each other. I think part of this was an age thing, but that only takes it so far. I think that they could have solved so much just by being honest. Gabe's ex Meredith was also a huge issue, and I absolutely hated her! She is such a manipulator, and you could tell that she gets off on it. I don't know why they let her have so much power over them, but a lot of that blame goes to Gabe for not talking to Nic about his past. I really hope that this is the last we see of her and that karma gets her. I am looking forward to the next book and need to know what happens next. I think that these two are made for each other, but the journey is far from over. I am a little bit scared if I am honest, having been given a preview of the third book at the end of Closer. I am trying to have faith that Kaia Bennett will get these two where they need to be, but it is going to be a long few months. I think that this series is great though, and these two have so much passion between them. If you are looking for a seriously sexy story, then you have to give this series a shot. I know I will be anxiously awaiting the next book from Kaia Bennett, and can't wait for more!

**ARC Provided by IndieSage PR**

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