
ARC Review: Matter of Time by Alannah Lynne

Matter of Time is the fifth Heat Wave novel by Alannah Lynne, but it can be read as a standalone. I hadn't read anything by her before starting this book, so I really didn't have any idea what to expect. This book was short and sweet, and unfortunately that was a bit of a problem for me. It was too sweet, and things happened too easily for me to really get behind the story. 

Logan Steele and Lizbeth Sanders loved each other in college and had planned to get married. They thought that they knew exactly what would happen for them, until Logan found out that his high school girlfriend had gotten pregnant and he had a child he didn't know about. Wanting to do the right thing, he left Lizbeth and married his ex in order to take care of her and their daughter. Fifteen years and two more kids later, his relationship with Bobbi Jo is over and he will do whatever it takes to get Lizbeth back. When his twin brother Lucas runs into Lizbeth at a mutual friend's house, he sets out to help Logan win her back. Feelings between Logan and Lizbeth are as strong as ever but with everything that has happened and all the obstacles between them, do they stand a chance at a future together? 

Logan and Lizbeth were okay characters. I didn't feel much of anything about them though, and didn't feel a connection to them. I thought that they clearly cared about each other, but I just wasn't feeling a ton of heat or chemistry there. There was a BDSM aspect to their relationship, but honestly it didn't really seem to work for me. It didn't add any steam to this, and it came off a bit stale to me. I thought that Lizbeth put up absolutely no fight when Logan came back into her life and though it was easy to see she had always loved him, it was also completely unrealistic how things transpired. Logan had broken her heart years before when he chose to leave her for his ex, and they went some 15 odd years with no communication whatsoever. For her to jump right back into bed with him and then they are immediately back together for the long haul was so unbelievable to me. I didn't buy it at all, and I honestly couldn't even really care at that point what happened with these two. They just basically treated it as though everything that had happened didn't matter because they were finally together and I wasn't okay with that. 

I also felt like while there wasn't any drama between Logan and Lizbeth getting back together, there was some with Bobbi Jo that was pretty forced and cliche. It was really predictable as far as how things played out and past truths were revealed and I just didn't really see anything new or memorable here. This whole book was pretty ho-hum for me and while it wasn't horrible, it definitely wasn't great either. Everything just happened too easily and at such an accelerated pace that I never felt invested in the story and found myself wanting to skim to finish it. Though I really liked Logan's brother Lucas, I am not sure if I will give his story a chance when it comes out or not. Overall, this one was pretty disappointing and I don't know that I would recommend it.

**ARC Provided by RockStarLit PR**

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