
ARC Review: Seduced by Sunday by Catherine Bybee

Catherine Bybee has been on my to-read list for a while now. I especially had an eye out for the “Weekday Brides” series. I was really interested in the plot. I liked the idea of Meg Rosenthal, who is a matchmaker, needing some help of her own in the love department. I’ve read many match making books and really like them. I also like the idea Valentino Masini, very successful in his own right finding a challenge with Meg. I was instantly interested in this book because of the combination of all the above and also because of the great reviews that the series has.

First, I have to confess that I probably went into this book with too high of expectations. Although I enjoyed Meg it was hard to really connect with her or get her. There were parts of her personality that were cute and interesting but at the same time she was cynical and full of doubt. Instead of making these characteristics diverse it really made it hard for me to like Meg. I also enjoyed Valentino but also found him too difficult to get.

As a couple they were cute but I thought that the author rushed their chemistry too quickly. I know often times chemistry is not looked as an important aspect but I love when characters challenge each other and really have good banter. Meg and Valentino had good banter for about 10 pages and then they were falling over each other and finding the other irresistible. The secondary characters were fun and interesting and added to the story but really I fought hard to stay interested in the story. The idea of an island were famous people can go with complete anonymity was so fun and I really liked it. Overall, I liked the story because I wanted to see what the author would do with the hero and heroine. I also wanted to know how she would resolve the issues with the secondary characters but this was not a -can’t-put-it-down read for me. It was more of a book I felt compelled to finish. I’m sure that fans of Bybee and the series will love the story. I plan to read more books in the series and I’m hoping to enjoy them more.

**ARC provided by Author**

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Sharlene said...

I read the first 4 books in the series & really liked them. The hero Neil in the 3rd book, Fiance by Friday is my favorite so far. x-military body guard! Yum!

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