
Guest Post with Author Sophie Barnes and Giveaway

Born in Denmark, Sophie Barnes spent her youth traveling with her parents to wonderful places all around the world. She's lived in five different countries, on three different continents, and speaks Danish, English, French, Spanish, and Romanian. But, most impressive of all, she's been married to the same man three times—in three different countries and in three different dresses.

When she's not busy dreaming up her next romance novel, Sophie enjoys spending time with her family, swimming, cooking, gardening, watching romantic comedies and, of course, reading.

Five of Lady Sarah's Sinful Desires

1. To fall into Lord Spencer’s arms if ever she happens to stumble.

2. For Lord Spencer to ask her to waltz before Mr. Denison (the unbecoming man she’s doomed to marry) manages to do so.

3. To know how Lord Spencer’s embrace feels – strong, safe, and oh so wonderful, no doubt.

4. Or even better, what it would be like if he were to hazard a kiss…

5. Perhaps most importantly, she desires for the past to vanish in a cloud of smoke, along with her parents and Mr. Denison, so that all of the above would be made possible.

Welcome to Thorncliff Manor, where London's elite mix, mingle, and may even find their heart's desire . . .

There are thousands of things Christopher, Viscount Spencer, would rather do than hunt for a bride, especially since experience has taught him that women are not to be trusted. Then he finds the intriguing Lady Sarah scrambling around in Thorncliff's conservatory and he is instantly charmed by her passionate nature. But why is she so intent on avoiding him?

Lady Sarah would make the perfect bride for a peer—if not for a tarnished past that she's hiding from the ton. A stay at Thorncliff Manor was meant to help her plan for her future, not fall in love. Yet Christopher's kisses are irresistible, his gallantry enticing. When her secret stands to be revealed, will the truth ruin their dreams of happiness?

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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 3 Print copies of Lady Sarah's Sinful Desires

To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Sophie Barnes + Tasty Book Tours for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Sophie Barnes said...

Thank you so much for being part of the Lady Sarah's Sinful Desires tour =)

Tasty Book Tours said...

Thank you for hosting Sophie today!

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