
ARC Review: Arrows Hell by Chantal Fernando

Great for MC Romance fans!

This is the second book in the Wind Dragon's MC Series and I actually recommend starting with the first book. Both this book and the first book are technically standalone novels but if you plan to read the first book, this one contains a lot of spoilers. And the first one is good so you should read it.

This installment is Anna and Arrow's story. Anna is the younger sister of Rake, one of the Wind Dragons, and off limits to all members of the club. Of course she promptly falls for one of the clubs most infamous members- Arrow. Arrow is tortured, brooding and angsty over the death of his previous love Mary. He feels responsible for her death and undeserving of love. Yup, I'm a lil twisted but that is my favorite brand of Hero. I love a tortured bad boy with a big...ego, lol.

One of my favorite things about Chantal's writing is her depiction of the heroines. Now Anna was not as funny as Faye from the first book but I really liked her character. I'm a fan of strong heroines who are not afraid to use their back hand when things get out of hand. I also like the fact that the author depicted her as being jealous of Faye. I don't think I've ever seen a character in a sequel have a problem with the character from the preceding novel and I liked it. The jealousy was unfounded but it was understandable in a petty way that we can all relate to.

The place where this book loses some steam is in the actual relationship between Arrow and Anna. I'm not sure I get it at all. Anna is in a zoology doctoral program and Rake is a released convict with no education to speak of. Opposites can attract but can they develop a lasting passionate relationship and actually have things to talk about? I jusssst don't know. The attraction between Arrow and Anna is instant but beyond just sort of growling at her, there isn't much courting of Anna by Arrow before she is madly in love with him. I just don't care enough about that issue to let it really detract from my rating but if instalove really bothers you, this might make you uncomfortable.

This book was told in the first person POV and I was excited about getting Arrow's POV until I realized it's only in the prologue and epilogue. I strongly prefer books with both characters POV so that was a little disappointing.

There was good conflict and action in this book. It is an easy read that moves rapidly. The Janet and Jacob story lines added some layers and kept us interested. I'm not sure about the Jacob piece because it didn't really have a logical resolution but it did keep the plot moving forward.

I really like the twist involving the Wild Men MC. That was a good continuation of that story line that wrapped up in really interesting way.I also like the set up for the Tracker and Lana story and I will be stalking GR waiting for that one to come out.

Oh and yes, the sex...not this author's strongest point. It's ok but not as well described as I like to see. More contemporary sex than erotic sex.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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