
ARC Review: Happily Ever Never by Jennifer Foor

I have to start off this review by saying that Happily Ever Never by Jennifer Foor probably brought on the most tears I have ever cried from reading a book. I am typically not a crier when it comes to books, and on the occasion that I do cry it usually isn't a lot. Going into this book though, you should have the tissues handy and probably some junk food/candy that you can use as a pick-me-up! With that being said, Happily Ever Never is also one of the best books I have read this year. Happily Ever Never is heartbreakingly beautiful, but it is also filled with love and hope. The best way to read this book is to go in blind, and just experience the story. Trust me when I tell you that although Jennifer Foor will wreck you, she is always great at putting you back together again. 

Bailey finally felt like she was about to have all of her dreams come true. She was about to marry the man of her dreams and she was gaining a family she never dreamed she would have. Her life felt perfect, but then tragedy struck and she lost everything. With her planned future ruined, Bailey must find a way to pick up the pieces and move forward with her life.

I really felt for Bailey. There was so much love in this book, but there was also so much loss and heartbreak. Things were never easy for any of these characters and it was really hard at times. What I loved the most about this book though was that these characters were always there for one another. After everything that they were going through, you could tell that they all would do anything the could for each other. Though Bailey didn't get the life she planned, she was still a part of Major's family forever and I could not have loved them more for their unwavering love and support of Bailey. I also loved Bailey's best friend Shawna and how she always pushed Bailey when she needed it because she knew that Bailey would do the same for her. Bailey and Major had the kind of love that some people are never lucky enough to find, and they truly cherished it for the time they had it. I loved them together, but I also loved how strong Bailey was able to become after everything that happened. She knew she had to move forward and it was understandable that that wasn't a quick or easy thing for her to do. I was so glad that she had those around her to help her find her way. 

I also loved that though Bailey thought she had lost everything, that this book was ultimately about hope. She was able to move forward and she found love in the most unlikely of places. Though she would never forget or stop loving Major, she was able to open up her heart and let others in as well. She found what she needed and was finally able to begin to heal and live her life again. This book was very emotional and I felt like it was so real. I felt for each character in this book, and I honestly loved them all. They might have had their moments, but I loved how things played out and that they all ended up exactly where they should be. I think Jennifer Foor did such a great job with such a tough set of circumstances, and I honestly cannot wait to read more from her in the future. I have become a huge fan of her books and while they are always filled with angst and some tough times, she always gives us a satisfying ending that feels right for the characters.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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