
ARC Review: One Night with a Billionaire by Jessica Clare

(This is a book 6 but it's a standalone, you can start the series right here, I did)

I have to just begin by saying that I'm surprised by my own self. I didn't think I would be giving this book a 5 star rating when I started it. In fact, right after I figured out that this book had a bbw romance, I put it down and didn't return to it for months. I'm going to be honest (because why not?), I don't read bbw romance. I'm here for the fantasy aspect of it all. I don't like to think about my own rolls and fat so I damn sure don't want to read about a heroine's. That's just not my fantasy. Or at least it wasn't. I liked Jessica Clare's depiction of the relationship between Kylie and Cade so much that I just got over my bias and enjoyed the book.

All bias and personal neurosis aside, this book had everything that I really love. Kylie is a makeup artist for a pop star, Daphne. Daphne is the drugged out but long coveted love interest of Cade. When Cade is finally tired of the strung out antics of the pop princess, he walks away and into (literally) Kylie. Of course Kylie is employed by Daphne and like every good heroine in desperate need of cash so she can't just quit. Although Daphne never wanted Cade before, we all know there is nothing like new relationship cologne to attract a woman to a man. So as soon as Kylie and Cade get involved, Daphne decides that he is in fact her boo. Shenanigans ensues.

I liked the characterization of Kylie by the author. She really was a fun and caring heroine with a great sense of humor. You can't help but to root for her to get her HEA. I love the note she left Cade after their first night together. I also liked that even though Daphne was like a really bad bunion, Kylie still had compassion for her and her situation.

There were two things about Kylie that did eventually annoy me. First is super petty, I just didn't like Kylie's physical description....and I'm not talking about weight. I just wasn't in to the retro hair with the red ends or the drawn on eyebrows, like all of it was giving me a bad visual trip. I told you it was petty but hey, now you know how I roll. The other more significant thing I didn't like was Kylie's obsession with being a burden. I totally get how it was an issue for her but it just went on for too long and became repetitive. There are several pages where I felt like the exact same internal monologue is repeated: 'I don't want to be a burden, I can never be a burden, I will never be a burden again, repeat.' I know authors have to build some angst into the plot line but there was a point when it crossed the "eye roll" line because it was like oh c'mon, you're going to let all this happen because of this crazy hang up?

I loved Cade. He is my perfect alpha, possessive, bossy, buy the world and give it to you on a platinum platter Hero. Interestingly, even Cade's love for Daphne (that was strictly on a friendship level throughout the book, no cheating here for those of you who don't read cheating books) endeared him to me. I loved Cade's pursuit of Kylie and despite my bbw bias, I really ended up with good feelings about a man who is independent enough to decide what he wants in a woman and damn the torpedoes.

The relationship between Kylie and Cade is sweet and developed through heart felt communication about the things that are important to them. In other words, you don't walk away from this book asking what was between the main characters beyond sex. And speaking of SEX, holy smoking panties!!!! I needed a ciggie several times after reading a few of the scenes in this book. This is some knock your knickers off type ish and you know i loved every minute of it. There is a scene in a janitors closet and ladies and gentlemen just hmmmmm! Very good stuff! 6 stars for the sex.

There isn't a lot of information about supporting characters besides Daphne but I liked the text message interactions with Reese (apparently he was the star of a previous book in the series). Daphne's roommate Star was also appropriately quirky and fun.

To sum up this book I would say- well written, great characters, smoking hawt sex and fast moving plot. Even if you are bbw bias like me, I still recommend this book. Indeed, I am eager to fill my Kindle up with other books by this author. Probably the other ones from this series since this was my first.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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